Name: Dr. Lena Koenig, Ph.D Race: Human Age: 53, looks 23 ((Because it’s the only pic I liked. I’m just gonna go with exceedingly strange research gone wrong, with a bad bit to it, as well.)) Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url][/url] [url][/url] [/hider] Personality: She loves her work, and is very protective of her patients, hence why she is often trusted with high-value patients, like important and/or famous people. She is somewhat jaded, and is prone to back-talk, but is at the core a good person, though not the nicest person on the station. It takes a bit to earn his respect and trust, but she is a great person to have as an ally, and she knows exactly how your body ticks, so, having him as an enemy doesn’t lead to a long and happy life, per say. Skills: A master physician, knowledgeable in many disciplines of medicine. Still strong, fit, healthy and spry even at his age. Knowledgeable in martial arts, though not a master, as well as being a good shot with pistols and rifles, including military grade. Highly intelligent, and is completely business in a time of crisis, treating in order of most to least likely to die. various other skills. Reason for Visit: Work/Immigration Bio: Early on, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She had a solid childhood and education. When she left for higher education, she quickly discovered within herself a powerful wanderlust, a desire to see as much of the galaxy as she could, and planned for the future she envisioned as she studied medicine and xenobiology. In school, she made numerous friends, most from his focus, but she managed to pick up one or two friends, who were on the fringes of various cultures outside the norms, and she learned a lot from them, many things that her parents did not tell her of, and a few they specifically hid, as they sheltered her from the universe. Amongst these were talks of mercenary groups, paid to travel the galaxy and deal with problems that nations couldn’t deal with officially, leading into the next stage, and to the outright shattering of her ‘shell’… Where she decided that that is exactly what she wanted to do, and served as the combat medic for a squad of mercenaries for a number of years, thought to be almost a decade, though the exact number of years is unknown to all but those closest to her. She then went to graduate school and earned a Ph.D in xenobiology, and went on to become one of the galaxies best doctors, skilled in multiple fields of medicine. She has been known, however, to keep up with most of her friends and contacts, both old and new, from her time as a mercenary, and she likely (well, definitely) has enemies left. Enemies who want to kill her. During one of her tours of duty, one of her arms got blown off by a sniper, barely missing her chest. It was replaced by a top of the line Modular Limb Replacement, Combat Medic, Arm (MLR-CM/A), which she has heavily modified since, to include a whole manner of things, including weapons, enough of a medical kit to save a life, survival gear, and more, in various modules she can interchange relatively easily. On to present day, she heard that Tsiolkovsky station had an opening, and she decided that it was yet again time for a change of places, packed up, and left, leaving behind a sheet of paper on the now bare desk, with a single sentence saying goodbye, a clue as to where she had gone, and contact information for a quality replacement. Equipment: Medical Kit, contains data and high-quality equipment for the treatment of all races. Also contains numerous drugs, hence the declaration. Various licenses and diplomas, saying that he is indeed allowed to have all his cool toys. And, lastly, a comm unit, which looks like something more than just a comm unit to anyone who is especially good with technology. security would know that it isn’t harmful to the station. Her modified MLR-CM/A (Modules: Combat Medic, Survival, Escape & Evade, Search & Rescue, CQC, Defender) Position applying for: Chief Medical Officer