Rita Rexen: When Todd commanded her to put Kyle down, Rita scoffed and cursed under her breath. She hated the former Robin so much. He was such a absolute dick about everything, acting like he was better than everyone else, like he knew better. And the fact that he humilated her in martial arts training at the start of the year hadn't helped, either. People laughed at her when she got her butt kicked by a man who's head should could squeeze between two fingers. All that hate she felt for Jason was condensed into one glare that she sent at the kid she was currently manhandling. Her blue eyes could hit just as hard as her fists. Staring at him, she put him down on the ground in one instant, making the boy fall about a foot into the grass below. “You owe me an explanation after class.” Her words rang, her words made it a statement, but her tone made it a threat, she would instead head off into Class, preparing for the ARC session later that day. [I] Here's hoping I get to punch someone.[/i] she thought, lighting a cigarette on her way to class.