[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=TODD%20DILLON&name=SILVS___.ttf&size=50&style_color=331000[/img] [color=331000][b][i]If dead men tell no tales, then why do they walk the planet?[/i][/b][/color] [color=696969]------------------------------ The Apartment Group 110 E 8th St [i]Wilmington, Delaware[/i] ------------------------------[/color] [color=black][b]----x----[/b][/color] [@FortunesFaded] [b]-:-[/b] [@McHaggis] [b]-:-[/b] [@FallenTrinity] [b]-:-[/b] [@CandiBarr] [b]-:-[/b] [@Pirouette] [b]-:-[/b] [@Foster] [b]-:-[/b] [@Remipa Awesome] [b]-:-[/b] [@ChronoBovino] [b]-:-[/b] [@Desire] [b]-:-[/b] [@Exit] [b]-:-[/b] [@Symphoni] [color=black][b]----x----[/b][/color] The group were led upstairs by two police officers and a Navy Seal. Ugggggh, [i]stairs.[/i] Why did they even exist? Regardless, Todd pushed away his groaning and introduced himself - first, of course. [b][color=331000]"I'm Todd. Touch my Dr Pepper, and I'm your worst nightmare."[/color][/b] He thought it might be good to inject some humour into all of this, to raise people's spirits a bit. It would've been hard, of course - most people there had probably gone through some sort of loss due to the unexpected turn of events that caused this apocalypse - but it was worth a try. After making his introduction, he sat down quietly and made a mental note of the group in his head.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=00008B]DESMOND[/color] | Nickames - Desmond Miles/Des[/b][/indent][/indent][center] The man who'd given Todd the Dr Pepper and Cheerios. He was definitely taller than 5'5", from what Todd could see, and had dark brown hair that went down to his turquoise eyes. He wasn't too muscular, but definitely knew how to handle himself. He was bound to have some kind of weapon on him. Apparently, he was a lawyer (or rather, an attorney) before the world went to shit. This made Todd smile; he wouldn't have expected a lawyer, of all people, to be as nice as Des was. Either way, this was the apocalypse, and there was bound to be a time when Desmond would pack up and leave. Or die.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=FFAB00]SCOUT[/color] | Nickames - (-/-)[/b][/indent][/indent][center] A tall woman - no more than 5'8" - 5'9", Todd would say - with short, blonde hair and aviators. She had quite masculine features, and a pale-ish complexion, however trumped compared to that of his own (when he stopped being yellow, of course). She wore a thick, tan jacket, that seemed to be sculpted to her athletic build, and Todd took note of her thick Brooklyn accent as she spoke. Throughout his time with the group, when he first entered the apartment, she seemed to have a weariness of Todd. Probably underestimating him, like most people do. It was custom by now.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=00a651]JOHN[/color] | Nickames - Fred/Johnny/Johnno/Freddy Krueger/Drop Dead Fred[/b][/indent][/indent][center] The Navy Seal who'd greeted them downstairs. He was a giant man, well over 6', with the most unfortunate name in the world. He had a bald head and a long beard that went just past his neck, with some bits of tattoos showing on his arm. Captain Krueger's combat pants, jacket, boots and shirt (with "Navy" printed on it in gold) fit perfectly to his body, showing off his muscles. The final feature was his army dogtags, which he wore around his neck. Was kinda stupid, really - it wasn't just kids who could choke by getting neckwear caught on things.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=157DEC]SARAH[/color] | Nickames - (-/-)[/b][/indent][/indent][center] The brunette who'd decided to take her anger out on Todd and the Australian woman at the apartment. Of course, it wasn't her fault her husband was a walker. Still, [i]was[/i] kinda selfish to be angry at others because of it. Anyway, she had apologized, and Todd had accepted. She was a tiny bit shorter than Scout, by about an inch, and had a slender, thin build. Her blue eyes were constantly flicking between the men of the group, and Todd wondered if she was missing her husband [i]that[/i] much already. She locked eye contact onto one of the men from the original 8th Street group, and that seemed to be the end of that.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=lightcoral]ANA[/color] | Nickames - Anastasia Hoohow?[/b][/indent][/indent][center] A very short Russian woman, with light blonde hair (so light it was almost white). She was definitely shorter than 5'5", that anyone could tell, and looked a dwarf compared to the rest of the group. Apart from Todd, and another kid there. Her Russian accent did stand out a lot, but she seemed to speak perfect English. That was a good thing - Todd couldn't get through the zombie apocalypse with someone he didn't understand. One thing that surprised the boy, however, was that she somehow had a shotgun, 9mm gun, and a duffel bag. Given the fact she was a ballet dancer, one would be confused as to exactly how she gained those.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=483D8B]WILLIAM[/color] | Nickames - Morzeny[/b][/indent][/indent][center] Todd could've sworn this guy was a villain in one of the James Bond movies. Honestly, it was a surprise he and Ana weren't related - Taggart was dressed in the full evil Russian get-up, from top to toe. A large, soviet-style greatcoat, glasses, gloves, big, black boots... it was all there. If he'd been wearing a black Russian winter hat and had the accent, he would've been the real deal. What disturbed Todd the most, however, wasn't the man's attire (or unkept hair) - it was the young girl clinging to his leg. She looked roughly 7, with a slightly growing spark of imagination in her eyes that made the young boy smile - he remembered when he used to be like that. If only...[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=00a99d]HUNTER[/color] | Nickames - (-/-)[/b][/indent][/indent][center] A pretty tall guy, just under 6' as far as Todd could tell, with a budding beard that's mainly growing stubble, and short, dark hair. He wore a t-shirt and cargo pants, showing his average muscle tone, and a camouflage hat (that was previously shoved in his small satchel). Hunter also had a shotgun on him, one that had previously jammed (from what he heard) and almost shot him in the face. Todd hoped to god it wouldn't do that again - Hunter seemed like a good addition to the team.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=red]SAM[/color] | Nickames - The Little Athlete That Could[/b][/indent][/indent][center] A coloured man, standing at 6', with an athlete's getup and a rose tattoo on one of his muscled arms. He looked exhausted, and scared, which was surprising given the fact he was one of the toughest looking guys there. Todd remembered him being the one that Sarah had ran over to, followed shortly by Hunter, and finally Desmond. He didn't get the fuss, though - shouldn't an athlete be used to running?[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=lime]COLE[/color] | Nickames - Eagle Boy, Mr. Muscle[/b][/indent][/indent][center] Another one of the "over 6'"s, this time a quarterback from the Eagles. Todd could recognize it instantly when he saw Cole at the apartment - the getup, the muscles, the face... it was all there. This was Cole Anderson himself. His blue eyes burned with determination, and his physical structure was primed and raring to go; muscles at every corner. If everyone made it through this, it would make a brilliant story. Todd just hoped Cole would carry on with his job.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=A9A9A9]CHASE[/color] | Nickames - Mad Max[/b][/indent][/indent][center] An "Uber" - whatever one of those was - standing at roughly the same height as Scout. 5'9", Todd would say. He had stubble which was slowly starting to grow out, and dirty clothes. Dirty shirt that was white in another life, scruffy leather jacket, black, mud-stained jeans... whatever an Uber was, they were tramps. He looked like something out of a Mad Max movie. Anyway, he and Sarah locked eyes and seemed to have a special moment while the rest of the room sat in awkward silence and waited for the next person.[/center] [indent][indent][b][color=coral]LAURA[/color] | Nickames - (-/-)[/b][/indent][/indent][center] The Australian woman who saved Todd at the apartment. Now she was stood still, Todd could get a better look at her. She was a few inches shorter than Scout, about 5'4", and had honey blonde hair tied into a braid that went down her back. Her green eyes were mesmerising, but nonetheless Todd carried on his observation. He noticed Laura kept herself in good shape, but didn't actually possess any athletic-like muscle. Regardless, she was still fit for the apocalypse. Her soft, round face had that youthful look to it - as if she were only a teenager - and blended in nicely with the red, plaid shirt she was wearing. On her legs were a pair of brown pants, but that seemed about it; Laura didn't seem hellbent on cramming herself with layers for protection. That was a good choice, as it would probably serve well later. Todd just hoped he fared as well as all the others did. [color=black][b]----x----[/b][/color] After everyone else had, Douglas introduced himself briefly, and then moved onto the inventory check. From all the information Todd had gathered, the group needed three things - food, materials, and medicine. Medicine was taken by Sarah and Chase, Desmond and Douglas were searching for two missing guys, and materials was out of the question. That left Todd with food, which so far had only been chosen by one person - Scout. [b][color=331000]"I'll head out for food, with Scout. Might be a good idea to mingle with a few of you guys."[/color][/b] Everyone else probably thought he was just a kid; that he couldn't do it. He didn't care, though. He'd do it. Even if it killed him. He was slightly scared, though, however much he might've denied it - he hadn't taken his balaclava off the whole time.[/center]