[quote=@Dinh AaronMk] Well it's less that they didn't try but in the grand scheme of things they assume I could get things straightened out, which maybe I do but I feel that at least lately I might not have refined my choice enough into my career of choice. This comes up now that I have to soon redeclare my major since my old one died without any real warning so it's not time to make an actual life-determining choice again. And that to help me I'll be getting back with people who like in Highschool would offer no anchoring words of wisdom but will tell me to do whatever, but will do so to just get me to throw another couple grand at them as opposed to being afraid if they burst my bubble they'll get angry parents scolding them for murdering someone's perfect child's self esteem. But I think I've also had that chance of failure in life at the back of my mind with contigency plans in place if what I picked went FUBAR. [/quote] Advisers, in my experience, are usually grad students who haven't completely figured it out themselves. In some ways, they are usually giving you questionable advice because they themselves are still drinking the kool-aid. But with jobs and shit, what you do is find what you can grab hold of and sink your claws into it. The entire economy is basically ephemeral at this point, you just take what you can and hold on tight until it all goes tits up.