[b][u]Robert Fallson - Capture the Fort[/u][/b] As Robert saw the pack of Beowolves exit from the treeline, he quickly ducked behind a tree to avoid detection. Peeking around the side, the red haired boy could see the Alpha Beowulf snarl at a scent it had caught. [b]"Well Grane, looks like you got your wish anyhow,"[/b] Robert said quietly under his breath. As the pack got nearer to the tree he had hidden behind, Robert made the decision to climb upward. The likelihood of the team getting out of this without alerting the whole pack was basically nonexistent, but the team leader wasn't sure how prepared the others were for a fight. If he could give them more time to prepare themselves by not giving their position away, maybe they could turn this into a successful ambush. Finally settling on one of the many branches above, Robert transformed his weapons to their blade mode as he kept his eye on the Alpha. If he or someone else was detected he hoped to cut off the pack's leader and send them into disarray, increasing their chances for success exponentially.