Name: Forest Hunt Rank: Staff Sergeant Age: 26 Armament: M14A Carbine, .50 Caliber Desert Eagle, Twin Kukri knives, standard kit, Emergency medical supplies, Translator module Appearance: Stands at 6' even, athletic build, Grey eyes, brown hair, scar on his cheek from combat in Iraq Personality: Forest is a relaxed and kind person when he's on down time but he's also incredibly adamant in his beliefs and loyal to his squad, even the clones. When he's in the field on mission, he's serious, calculating and careful. He's never lost a man or a clone in his operational career. Ethnicity(Optional): Caucasion Home Town/State: Fruitland, Idaho [hr] Name: Tiger Height: 6' 6" Armament: Plasma Caster, Wrist Blades, Shuriken x2, Combi-Stick, Gauntlet Plasma Bolt, medi-kit, Power Punch Glove, Laser Mines, Wrist Gauntlets Armor abilities: Active Camo, Language Translator, Voice mimicry Armor Appearance: Wears the armor of a Desert Hunter, with numerous trophies taken from animals and humans on Earth and even a couple of Xeno warrior skulls from deployments against escaped Xenos. His pride and joy, however, is the Bengal Tiger skull that rests center of his "belt." He bears the Mark of the Warrior from his Blooding ritual, where he single-handedly killed four Xenos that were bred specifically for Blooding rituals.