[hider=Blink] Name: Dr. Clarice Ferguson (Blink) Appearance: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/x-men/images/6/61/Xmen-dofp-blink-02.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140615095951[/img] Usually wears normal cloths and a lap coat. Age: 32 Power/mutation: Portal creation Medical considerations: none Specialty: MD, specializing in Mutants Position desired: Doctor/ councilor Personality: Discriminated against as a child, she wants to try and help others in that situation. She decided to become a doctor to try and help mutants that are suffering because of their mutation, not just because of discrimination, but because of the medical problems these mutations sometimes cause. History: She grew up on the streets of New York, being called names and treated like vermin because she looked different. She got involved with a mutant gang after her powers manifested and started helping them get away when they pulled a job. One day, however, the cops caught up to the others before she could get to them, and she fled. Soon, however, the rest of the team got out and they jumped her for betraying them by not breaking them out, so she fled even further away. She was injured it the attack, however, and when she went to the hospital she was assigned to the only doctor on staff who specialized in treating mutants, Dr. Moira McTaggert. Moira had moved to NYC to help her friend, Dr. Xavier, during the last months of his life as he dealt with cancer. Clarice made friends with the doctor and decided to help her at her free mutant clinic to pay her back for her help. Eventually Clarice decided she also wanted to be a doctor, and Dr. McTaggert paid her way through medical school. After graduating she moved back to NYC and got a job at Professor Xavier's Academy as the Campus Doctor. She also makes house calls for the other mutants in town, and sometimes works at Moira's clinic, but she lives at the school. Equipment: Compound bow and carbon fiber arrows. Laptop, cell phone. [/hider] [hider=Possible Student] Name: Jose Enrique Rodriguez Ferguson Appearance: [img]http://fusepgh.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/hispanic-teen.jpg[/img] Age/grade: 16/ 10th Power/mutation: Telepathy/empathy: Can create a telepathic "web" of up to six people that can communicate with each other telepathically. The fewer people in the web, the more detail he gets about their thoughts, and he will know the surface thoughts/memories of the other person if he's only linked to one. He can also broadcast his thought-speech, but it is limited to 10 meters or so. He can also feel the emotions and "shouted" thoughts of many nearby people at once, though it will give him headaches, and he will experience strong emotions for himself. Too much stress and these migraines may cause him to produce a telepathic "screech" which can cause pain and unconsciousness to those in the area or those he's connected to. This screech is instinctive, however, and he can't yet use it at will. Medical considerations: Headache/migraines/nosebleeds from too much telepathic contact. He can focus out people's minds if they don't "shout" at him or experience strong emotions, though. He rarely speaks out loud, a result of past trauma, preferring instead to use telepathy for speech. Personality: Shy and reclusive, he makes friends slowly, as he had several friends that failed there masters and had to be taught a lesson or eliminated as an example. History: At the age of twelve his powers manifested and, like a good child, he registered himself with the Argentine government. Two days later, a group of men broke into his parent's house and kidnapped him. When his parents tried to stop them, they were shot. He was moved to the US as a slave and used by a gang to learn what the other side was thinking during negotiations. Rule number one of being a slave, however, was that you did not speak unless spoken to. He was beaten when he disobeyed this or any other rule, but eventually he worked up the courage to speak with the other slaves through his telepathic web. They often talked behind the backs of the "masters". When the DEA finally took down his master, he was freed, but because he would only speak telepathically, Dr. Moira McTaggert was called in to talk to him. She discussed his case with her colleague, Dr. Ferguson, and, when they found that he had no family left in Argentina, Dr. Ferguson decided to adopt him, as Dr. McTaggert was too old to deal with a teenager. She took him to the boarding school where she worked, and he was enrolled there a few weeks ago. Equipment: Laptop and cellphone Blink bought him. He rarely uses the phone for actual calls, though, as he doesn't like to speak. [/hider]