[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I think Incel males have a lot to learn about 'does she go for looks or personality' This quote sums it up nicely. [b]It's not that personality doesn't matter. It's that you didn't meet her looks threshold, only after meeting that (which normally means being 6+) personality matters. Think about it, if you met a cute girl through fb, talked to her for 2 weeks and she liked everything you like to: fedoras, atheism, comics books, mountain dew, being a cuck etc. And all along you thought she was cute and liked her personality but then she sent you a pic saying "sorry, this is the truth, I'm 250lbs, spotty and NEET, but I think we have so much in common and that love will get us through, fuck appearances and being shallow!" Would you still talk to the girl? No. You get loads of ugly people with great personalities but these are the girls and guys we avoid and keep in friendzone. I just LOL @ incels punching above their weight, the formula to find your looksmatch for this hypergamous society is: (your looks - 2) +1 if you have great personality. So if you are a 4 OP, go for 2s or 3s. Hope you learned boyo[/b] -Wyatt Nite [/quote] In general, I'd say no because you lied to me, not because you're 250 and spotty, and whatever the hell NEET is. Personality goes a long way, but appearance is what gets you through the door. I've fucked around with some women WAYYYY outside of my league based on nothing but my endearing confidence alone, and not my looks, which WILL vary from person to person. Anyone going by that formula is an idiot, if I'm honest. The person who wrote that, hopefully was being satirical, or else he sounds like one of those that have been shut down because his personality wasn't all that great to begin with, despite what his friends said. Hahahaha. In other words, go for who you want, all you really need is a foot in the door. If (s)he friendzones you, oh well - watch them crash and burn, and keep it moving. It's not like a 'no' is gonna affect your whole life. Hahah.