[hider=Roxanna Rosales] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Roxanna Rosales[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Roxy, Rosy[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]16[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'8"[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]120 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Priscilla Isle, Central Valley[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Dark Brown[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Light Brown[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Spanish[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]The thing most people first notice about Roxanna is her height and slender, lanky build. Much of her height comes from her particularly long legs. Although she comes across as thin and fragile, her physique is one of lean athleticism. Her hands and feet are on the 'long' side of large, following along with the lankiness of the rest of her body. The second thing people focus on is her hair, including her eyebrows. Her hair is extremely thick and has a soft, silky smooth quality. Roughly styled, her hair fluffs out in a shaggy mane that pours down her back and across her shoulders. Her eyebrows are straight and have a blocky shape, though they are more often than not obscured by her bangs. The third thing to draw attention is her teeth. Two of them, to be specific. In a case of particularly noteworthy 'buck teeth', her upper front teeth jut out from under her upper lip and rest across her lower lip when her mouth is closed. Although awkwardly sized, her teeth are especially well cared for. These three observations aside, Roxanna appears to be a fairly average girl. Her eyes are wide and round, and she has a 'button' nose. She has a narrow, somewhat 'mousy' face, with a slender jaw, small chin, and thin lips. Although usually hidden under her hair, her ears are large, rounded, and tend to jut out slightly from the sides of her head. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Roxanna favors sporty clothing with comfortable, airy qualities. She prefers tank-tops and shorts, finding more covering outfits to be stifling. She often goes without footwear entirely, but will wear running sneakers as a compromise or when protecting her feet is needed.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Roxanna can be broken down into two main 'modes'. The first 'mode' can be described as having boundless energy. Hyperactive, curious, and happily ready to engage with whatever and whoever might cross her path. She has an incredibly hard time staying still or doing nothing when this mood strikes her, desiring to do [i]something[/i] engaging and fun. If she can't for whatever reason, she often resorts to rambling about any subject at all and attempting to occupy herself with various fidgeting. The second 'mode' is almost like an off switch compared to the first. Extremely muted, relaxed, and expressing no particular desire to do anything beyond 'chill out'. When in this mood, getting her to do anything more engaging than lounge around is met with grumpy reluctance. In this mindset she prefers to be by herself or around only a few, quiet friends or family members, and in situations where that isn't possible she becomes increasingly agitated. At first these shifts in mood might seem bipolar, but in reality the second 'mode' is a consequence of the first. Having such an outgoing and bubbly personality tires her out, requiring time to 'recharge' so to speak. This is especially true in warmer weather, or if it has been awhile since she last had something to snack on. To people who don't know her, however, her tendency to go from 'zero to sixty' and vice-versa can be jarring. Otherwise she is fairly normal for a young teenager. She enjoys school for it's social aspects and activities, eagerly taking part in a wide variety of clubs and events, but isn't a fan of homework or studying. Although she is friendly and outgoing, sometimes she overcompensates her attempts at being helpful or a good friend. This is especially true when meeting new people, as she worries about being awkward or making a bad impression. She has an optimistic outlook on life in general, believing that there are few cases where letting a bad situation get the better of you helps. She has a critical opinion of bullies, gangsters, and petty criminals, believing them to use economic and social problems as justification for their actions and behavior. Strangely to some, this opinion does not extend to larger criminal organizations. She explains this as an observation that there is not much difference between a government and a criminal empire as both operate on complex rules, hinge on the well-being of the areas they control, and end up ruining or improving those areas depending on how they operate.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Roxanna's primary interest is running, both in the form of competitive track and parkour, and rock climbing. While she does play some sports like soccer, others like football are too high-contact while things like basketball or baseball require too much 'standing around being bored'. She used to be into Gymnastics until several growth spurts took place and she was ridiculed as too tall and, despite having a thin build, heavy to be well suited to it. She has since taken to being particularly acrobatic in her parkour activities. Although most of her hobbies and interests are physical things like the above, she also enjoys taking part in a variety of group activities. The activity in question isn't important to her, as she simply enjoys doing projects with others and socializing. Because of her height, she is often given decorating-based tasks in such events. She also greatly enjoys music of all sorts, especially in her calmer moods, and almost always has something playing when she can.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]While her capacity for physical activity is obvious, she has few notable skills or talents outside of it. She has a vague understanding of basic physics thanks to it, able to accurately guesstimate things like momentum, trajectory, and so on. Because of her curious nature and sensitive hearing, she has some skill at eavesdropping without being caught or noticed. Other than this, she has a decent eye for color arrangement and good sense rhythm.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]Portable Music Player[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]"I do [i]not[/i] have an oral fixation, I can stop chewing on things whenever I want."[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]A single child, Roxanna has lived in California her entire life. Originally from farther north, near the edge of the state line, her early years were spent in a particularly poor mountain town. Barely a step above homeless, her parents were nearly constantly at work trying to make a living. This was difficult thanks to the towns rampant poverty, made worse by drug dealers, gangs, and incompetence and corruption in the local government. Even faced with these hurdles, her parents slowly built up their savings and her mother worked her way through nursing school. Roxanna herself spent much of her time in a daycare or with babysitters, though she often proved more of a handful than they could deal with. Roxanna's biological peculiarities often caused problems, especially in the summer, and perplexed doctors for quite a long time. Her dental issues, in particular, were expensive and troublesome. These biological peculiarities started off as merely things to monitor from the day she was born. Oddly thin and lanky as a baby, and with a concerning 'floating ribcage', she was among the few babies that came out with a full head of hair and a mouth full of teeth. For the most part these were dismissed as rare but normal, and the 'floating ribcage' was assumed to be a fluke that would correct itself as her bones developed. Similarly, her teeth and hair were only noted as particularly odd when they failed to fall out and the strange qualities they had became more apparent. Because of these peculiarities and the nature of her parents, Roxanna was no stranger to doctors and tests of all shapes and sizes. Incapable of detecting her status as a Meta-Human due to the poor, ill equipped nature of her hometown, these tests were never able to provide any satisfactory results. As she got older, more oddities such as her inability to sweat revealed themselves over time. Instead of continuing endless expensive and ultimately futile tests, her parents decided to observe and adapted to her needs as best they could. When her mother landed a nursing position down south, they packed up and headed for greener pastures. Despite the negative influences in the town, the ten year old girl managed to come out of it without being tainted by it as many of her peers were. Moving to Verthaven was a definite step up for the family, and the seaside climate suited Roxanna perfectly. The past six years have been spent pleasantly for her and her family, enjoying a stable life. Due to her mother's work as a nurse, and her father having taken up a profession as a police officer, they had a somewhat more informed perspective on the dangers that existed in Verthaven. This resulted in them being particularly overprotective, often lecturing her on potential dangers. Although acknowledging that dangers did exist, the young girl has come to the conclusion that they are simply paranoid. Not one to let people up to no good or overprotective parents ruin her fun, she has none the less explored a great amount of the city on foot. More often than not she is with friends, fellow fans of parkour or otherwise, though she doesn't shy away from going out on her own. Her parents have hesitantly become comfortable with this, insisting on a few protective measures but otherwise having faith in her as a 'good kid who knows how to avoid trouble'. In large thanks to perceptiveness and luck, Roxanna has managed to avoid any unfortunate confrontations with the undesirable members of society thus far. At school Roxanna is known as a friendly and sociable, if at times awkward, girl. She gets along decently well with most, though she only has a few genuine friends. What experiences she has had with bullying have died down with her growth spurts, her height and increasing reputation for athleticism dissuading would-be tormentors. She does find herself the target of teasing often, some friendly and some malicious, but rarely has let it get to her.[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Father - Roderik Rosales - Police Officer Mother - Ramona Rosales - Urgent Care Nurse[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent] [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} |[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super-System (Bestial)[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][i]Chinchilla Physiology[/i] Roxanna's power manifests in the form of physical attributes held by the Chinchilla. Her hair has a range of fifty to a hundred very fine hairs per follicle, where a normal human only has one to three. This results in it being extremely thick and dense, as well as soft and silky. Because of how thick and dense it is, it's capable of repelling water and warding off insects. She has what is called a 'floating ribcage', as it is not fully attached to the spine, that grants some mild flexibility and allows her to squeeze through tight spaces if needed. She has harder, larger teeth than normal that grow continuously and can wear down even some metals. Her ability to run, jump, and climb is enhanced far above what normal humans are capable of, and the pads on her hands and feet allow for a better hold on surfaces. Excess heat is vented from her feet, hands, and ears. She has more sensitive hearing compared to normal humans. Her blood oxygenates better than normal, allowing for comfort in extremely high altitudes and prolonged physical activity. Although still an omnivore, she is capable of subsisting entirely on bark, grass, herbs, seeds, flowers, leaves, and so on.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]The density of her hair makes it so that if water does make it's way in, it is difficult to dry and risks fungal infection and rot. When wet, her hair is also extremely heavy. Her 'floating ribcage' is a very serious weakspot, as sufficient pressure on it can result in it puncturing organs. Her teeth growing continuously necessitates routine wearing down and maintenance to prevent severe and potentially lethal dental issues. She cannot sweat, making the dangers of overheating and heatstroke much more prominent in warm or even 'normal' weather, and forces her to seek external means of cooling down. Despite still being omnivorous, the changes to her digestive systems prevents her from properly processing high amounts of protein, fat, or green plant-life.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]?????[/INDENT] [/hider]