Svarak's smile lessened to a thin line as he watched Rilana struggle with the inner turmoil of this decision. At least she seemed to understand the responsibility of this position. Just as he'd been with his current ranking, he was quite reluctant to take the mantle. After all, he'd just wanted to test himself against someone he thought to be stronger than him. He never thought it would lead to this nightmare of an office. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration, but he truly despised paperwork. And finding worthy people to fight was rare. None of the other Lords ever tried to challenge him, and the Wardens always went after them, knowing him to be the strongest. Boredom was horrible, especially for one his age. Sometimes he considered giving up this gift of longevity, but he'd not yet completed his mission that came with it. Soon it would. After hearing her finally accept, [color=aba000][i][b]"Good, and I have utmost confidence in you, and the others that will be joining you. My squire here, Tomas, will accompany you. He will assist you in gathering any supplies you deem necessary for the trip, both for yourself and the expedition. There is no limit to the budget, and I'm sure I don't need to tell you to only take what is necessary. Leave the riches to the merchants once this expedition returns successfully. The expedition is to leave on the 45th from Stone Crest. Tomas will ensure all the arrangements for the supplies to be ready and waiting there for you and the others. He also has the list of the Knights that will be accompanying the expedition, all of whom have been handpicked for certain skills. There will be some civilians joining as well, but we won't know for sure who until the departure date comes closer. If you feel the need to change anyone on the list, or remove, or add I suppose, just tell Tomas. He will answer any of your questions from here on out."[/b][/i][/color] Now speaking to the squire directly, [color=aba000][i][b]"And he will not crowd or pester the Envoy."[/b][/i][/color] The squire nodded, gathering up his satchel of what sounded like paperwork. And with that, he sighed and returned back to his chair, his personal prison from the excitement of the world out there. Maybe he would join them, it would be fitting, and Frigmount was quite beautiful. And, well, her brother was dead by now. His face dropped sadly at the memory, [color=aba000][i][b]"I look forward to seeing how you do with this, Envoy Rilana."[/b][/i][/color] The human squire led the way out of his patron's office, and moved off to the right, the stairs to the left, [b][i][color=0072bc]"Don't tell anyone about this, I mean it."[/color][/i][/b] He pushed in on some of the stones, and the wall swung open silently and effortlessly, revealing a metal cage hanging from a very thick rope. He stepped inside, [color=0072bc][i][b]"Much better than walking down the stairs."[/b][/i][/color] Once inside, he'd pull a lever, and the elevator would begin descending, kept lit by glow crystals, as it plunged into the depths of the Citadel. Once at the bottom, it opened up through yet another hidden wall, at what appeared to be a pointless dead end corridor. [color=0072bc][i][b]"Alright, we have four tendays to get this worked out. We can start at your pace, on your time. I'll be around, taking care of other arrangements. Anytime you need me, simply show this to any Knight, and ask for me. When you leave the capital for Stone Crest, let one of the Knights at the gatehouse know, and I'll be along shortly."[/b][/i][/color] He handed her a sash, similar to what the officers wore, often on the upper arm of the weapon hand, but this one was a shimmering silver. It appeared to be some sort of blend of metal and cloth to the eye, but was incredibly soft and delicate feeling. Further inspection would find it to be as strong as metal however. They arrived at the internal stables once more, and Tomas walked right over to Bruin, petting him, as if the two knew one another. [color=0072bc][i][b]"I spend a lot of time down here, he didn't have much to do until he was reassigned. Do you have any questions for now, or need me to get started on anything immediately?"[/b][/i][/color] When their exchange finished, he left her to her own devices. A page had approached with a bag of horse feed, and began feeding Bruin and other nearby horses. When he got close to Rilana though, his mannerisms changed, becoming a bit stiff. He turned to her, and in a strained voice, as if he were attempting to not speak, [color=f7941d][i][b]"Don't take the mountain passes. It is death."[/b][/i][/color] Once he'd finished speaking, it seemed as if he'd returned to normal, and went back to feeding the horses. It didn't even seem that he knew he'd spoken, or that anything at all had happened.