[hider=William "Crow's Eye" Baer][h1][center]William "Crow's Eye" Baer[/center][/h1] [center]Or alternatively called[/center] [center][h1]"Crow"[/h1][/center] [b]Age[/b]: 43 [b]General Location of Operation[/b]: True, and constantly wanders from one place to another via ships (stolen or otherwise). Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): [color=00746b]As blue and green as the deep sea...[/color] [b]Height[/b]: 6'4" [b]Weight[/b]: 198 lbs. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g8bWxoC.jpg[/img] [b]General, non-combat, Apparel[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/C3BD1Yi.jpg[/img] [b]Armor and Weapons[/b]: Being a former pirate, Crow was never one to wear any sort of real armor, though he dies keep a few weapons on his person, which results in several injuries and wounds. It also means that he depends on evasion rather than standing his ground. He carries four flintlock pistols and a harpoon. He also carries a sword, though they usually end up broken somehow. Nevertheless, he is skilled in handling it. [/hider] [b]Affiliates[/b](Apprentices, Partners, etc.): A former apprentice by the name of Henry "Gill" Gilligan. [b]Afflictions[/b]: Bernard "Saltbull" Harris [b]Likes[/b]: Money, Rum, Treasure, Rum, Women, Rum, and the sea. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Anyone who disagrees with him on anything, people who take his rum while he's drinking, Bernard "Saltbull" Harris. [b]Fears[/b]: Crow has many fears, as he's superstitious. However, his main fear is that of bad luck. [b]Specialization[/b]: Started out specializing in hunting beasts and herbal monsters, but is now currently specialized in straight monster hunting. [b]Magic[/b] (if any): None, unless you count skill and luck. [b]History[/b]: William was born in a town on the island of Great Britain. Strangely enough, he lived a somewhat normal early life. His parents weren't too nice, nor too strict. He went to school and learned what he needed to. Eventually, he grew into a respectable adult, working as a whaler of sorts, giving him his first experience of the sea, her dangers, and how to use a harpoon. Of course, having a simple life was never in William's interest. He wanted to be a warrior like his father and the characters from the stories his parents told tales of when he was a child. He wanted to go out into the world and slay monsters for the glory of it. So he went and joined the Royal Navy for a while, giving him his first taste of life at sea. Eventually a time came where the ship he was on, and the crew he was a part of would be attacked and laid waste to by some ferocious sea monster. He, a handful of other crew members, and the captain managed to escape alive by boarding a boat and rowing away while the monsters feasted on their unlucky friends. They were stranded on a lone island for a few months, surviving by hunting animals and taking from their source of cleaner water. Eventually an opportunity arrived where they could return, as a ship was passing by. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a pirate ship, as they were forced to become part of their crew after watching their captain's murder. Years would pass since then, and the pirate life rubbed off on dear William. He developed a taste for rum, and an attraction to money and valuable items. He earned himself the nickname of "Crow's Eye" for his skill in spotting out differences between naval ships and merchant ones from the crow's nest and on deck without the use of a scope. The pirate captain, a member of the Knights, saw potential in "Crow" and took him under his wing as his apprentice, showing him how to fight the creatures that dwell in the sea, and roam on the land. In time, his captain would be killed in a battle where their ship was boarded by a navy Frigate. He and some others took a chance to escape by cutting the ropes and sailing away during the battle. They managed to subdue those who still remained on the frigate and claim it as their own vessel. More years would pass since then, and William would take someone as his own apprentice. His pirate days seemingly came to an end after one his crew members started a mutiny. They left him to rot on an island, though he's eventually find a fishing vessel sailing near to sneak onto. Though his days as a real pirate were over, it didn't stop him from his role as a knight. He traveled from place to place on ships, and helped them escape sea creatures and storms of the unmerciful kind. Nowadays, he still does. Though, he spends most of his free time drinking. [/hider]