[center][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1dtnf0y9O1qbb8mxo1_400.jpg[/img][/center] [i]My head felt like it was on fire. Couldn't see anything. Couldn't feel anything. No noise or taste or smell. Just void. Nothingness. I toyed with the idea that I've finally found my healing factor's limit and was now paying for my sins in hell. 'Course I knew better than that; I'd been like this before. Last time somethin' similar occurred 'cuz I was chasing down Nuke in Vietnam and got caught inside a napalm bombing run. Napalm. Nasty stuff, burns people to nothin' but charcoal. That was the second worst pain I'd ever experienced. 'For a while it had been cemented as numero uno. Today was worse. Much worse. Somebody once told me that you don't feel nothin' after the first 500 degrees. Bullshit, I say. I felt at least 1000 there before my nerves were fried. Professor Dickbag had the place rigged with a frickin' nuke. A frickin' nuke! That freak was so paranoid that he managed to smuggle in a nuclear weapon just 'ta use as a self destruct fail-safe. Well, Thorton, your stupid bomb worked just fine. Everything's gone. Now there's a square mile of Canadian wilderness that'll be unlivable for the next hundred years. Not 'ta mention the hundreds of dead base personnel and my own current predicament. I can't believe I let Romulus get in my head. Shoulda seen the signs a long time ago. Been nothin' but a puppet ever since...well. As long as I can remember. 'Cuz that piece of crap scrubbed my brain clean of any memories that didn't feature his sorry ass.[/i] And then there was light. Really, really blinding light. It took a second for Logan's vision to clear up. The first sight he was greeted with was a helicarrier descending from the clouds, Quinjets swarming around it. [i]Ah, crap.[/i] On top of everything else, Wolverine was minutes from being captured by SHIELD's cronies and strapped to a table in some dark bunker to be experimented on for the rest of eternity. No way. Not if James Howlett had anything to say about that. Only, he couldn't move his arms. Or anything besides his eyes for that matter. Wolverine strained to examine the burnt out clearing for any means of escape. Or even just somewhere to hide. Nothin'. The entire facility had been turned to ash and the forest was splinters. If SHIELD saw his body, they'd take it in a second. Even if he was dead, an entire skeleton's worth of primary Adamantium was priceless. There wasn't enough money in the world to buy something so rare and so valuable. A quinjet touched down at the edge of the crater just in time for Logan's hearing to return. The roar of the plane's engine shook his new eardrums, threatening to burst them. [i]Come on come on come on. Heal faster, damn it![/i] The jet's ramp lowered itself into the snow, and a pair of agents dressed in hazmat suits made their way out. Based on how they were wielding their weapons, neither expected to find any danger here. A third agent exited the Quinjet, pointing a Rad detector towards the crater. The threesome slowly made their way deeper into the crater. Wolverine's organs were healing as fast as they could; but until his muscle and sinew started to reform, there was nothing Logan could do but watch. One of the SHIELD agents pointed straight at Logan. "Hey, you see that?" He whispered. "Yeah," the other guy responded. "Is that a metal skeleton?" The agents picked up the pace of their little jog. [i]Crap.[/i] Wolverine thought. "Is- Are his organs...regrowing?" The hazmat agent holding the rad detector asked, astonished. "Whoever that is, they're not dead. Look at the eyes. It can see us." The final agent pulled a radio from his belt and reported Wolverine's location to whoever was on that helicarrier in the sky. [i]No no no no no NO!![/i] One of the agent's raised the butt of his rifle, slamming it against Wolverine's unprotected metal skull. Darkness enveloped his mind as his eyes went limp. "Yeah. Yeah. He's definitely alive. Of course, director Fury. We're taking him in now." Were the last words Wolverine heard before his mind was blanketed in unconsciousness once more.