[center][h3]Cave of Solitude 7/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The immediate outburst of attacks without hesitation was the right course of action, despite their disadvantage, the immediate and explosive reaction gave the party a chance to change their focus quickly to one of the shadows and break through. Kami amidst the flurry of spells bowled right through one of the shadows with Zeus, and Rui added a Gale Slash to the end of everyone's attacks to cover their movements. In moments the battle was suddenly even in positioning advantages. [color=slategray]"Looks like they go down normally so we can attack them without fear, but watch out for any tricks they might have"[/color], he declared. Those elongated limbs weren't for nothing. Moments after he'd said that he was forced to jump back as their limbs whipped at them following a slow heaving movement. The shadows went from painfully slow, to erratically fast in the blink of an eye, and then returned. The whipping motions with their limbs and sudden bursts of speed, plus the range meant they had to be careful on approach, but casters in the back should have no problem out-ranging them. It was pretty straightforward from here on out. Charge them down.