The hairs on Dahteste’s neck prickled as she investigated the site of the attack, just like they did whenever someone was watching her. Standing up from investigating the arrows embedded in the cattle, she dusted her pants and coat off before scanning the horizon, sweeping along the dust, rocks, and scraggly bushes before her gaze alighted on a figure wearing a blue coat. Her fingers twitched involuntarily but she stayed her hand, watching him for a moment as she took in the figure. He -presumably he based on the army coat- simply sat, watching them. A horse next to him drank from the river, and his hand on a Comanche lance, a quiver of arrows also visible. She didn’t know how long he’d been watching them, but she figured he hadn’t just arrived. The Comanches didn’t speak the Apache/Navajo language, so she didn’t even bother using that, instead calling to the figure in accented English. “Hello, brother!” She began walking towards him, confident that he was unlikely to attack - and if he did, she was even more confident in her ability to perforate him before he’d gotten anything off himself. “Do you know who raided the wagon?” She paused for a moment, watching before continuing, “I cannot help but feel a sinking feeling that it was the Apache.” She watched silently for a response, already reformulating her plans in her mind to account for this new development.