[b] Kimlee - Mountains [/b] Kimlee remained quiet as they flew up, towards the description of the location she had gotten from her book; it would have been, as her brother would put it, impractical to talk while they flew - the wind viciously blowing in their faces and through their ears. It gave her time to think through many of the events that had gone on recently. If it wasn't for the people around her, she probably would have broken into tears. It wasn't a fact that they were being supportive or understanding, even though they would be, it was that with people around she was able to distract herself enough to prevent the breakdown she was on the verge of. At this point, something in her life needed to change and soon. It wasn't long before the building could be seen over the crest of a small mountain, buried within the taller mountains of the area. The complex was large and sprawling, something she sort of expected. But what caught Kimlee's attention the most was the number of guards she could pick out patrolling the area. At first she hadn't been sure what they were, but as she observed them walking the same paths back and forth, she knew that is what they had to be. Gesturing for a descent, Kimlee landed in a small section of trees a fair ways off of the building and the main path. Pulling out a pair of binoculars from her bag, she examined the complex's walls and surroundings. On the top left, a guard caught her attention, eliciting a sharp intact of breath. In his hands was a rifle, an item given only to the higher ranking members of the Guardian forces in Lifan. "Chyou," Kimlee whispered, "He has a rifle. We are definitely not supposed to be here." Kimlee's hands began to shake as she handed the binoculars to Chyou in case she wanted to see for herself.