[h3]John Lee Enfield[/h3] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/7/75/Preacher_01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080803053953[/img] [i]“And it is because my hands are blessed by God, so shall they smite those undeserving of his forgiveness!”[/i] [b]| ARCHETYPE |[/b] [indent]The Preacher[/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent]34[/indent] [b]| SPECIES - ETHNICITY |[/b] [indent]Human - Erde; stands five foot ten, wearing common priest or wandering preacher clothing, along with a dark brown cloak, full fingered gloves, and boots instead of shoes. The cloak's inside has been specially tailored to hold a variety of things. Emblazoned on the cloak's back is a large gothic cross, and he is never seen without an umbrella or a large-brimmed hat for those sunny or rainy days. Always has a chain with religious symbols around his neck.[/indent] [b]| PERSONALITY |[/b] [indent]Lee is a headstrong, upright individual who greets challenges and tasks head on with a smile and a fervour matched only by those with similar passions for their craft.[/indent] [b]| SKILLS - ABILITIES |[/b] [list][*] [b]Fair Marksman[/b] - Though not as skilled as others in the same field, traveling from town to town to preach has also lent Lee a good eye for marksmanship. He can hit a target, but give him something harder than an empty bottle at twenty paces and he'll struggle. [*] [b]Hardy[/b] - Walking or riding on horseback through the deserts and backcountry roads has given the good Preacher a tan, strong legs and a hearty disposition to life. [*] [b]Strong[/b] - One has to be to lead the wanderer's life, especially if said life includes encounters with wayward bandits or the occasional wild wolf or coyote, or worse: bear. A chance encounter with one is the exact reason why Lee keeps a knife on him at all times. He can fend for himself when push comes to shove. [*] [b]Intelligent[/b] - Books. Reading. Not for the common man, but for Lee, they are a way of life. His way of life. By bestowing the knowledge contained within His Word, Lee passes on God's wisdom from one troubled individual to the next. [/list] [b]| FLAWS - DISADVANTAGES |[/b] [indent][list][*]Religious Zeal; a fire is in Lee's eyes, a fire from God that cannot be quenched. As a result, more often than not, if his faith influences his decision-making, he will make the decisions more in line with what he knows is God's will, and not more ethical, or smarter choices. [*]Stubborn; Lee is, first and foremost, very very stubborn, and if he can't get his way he'll fight to get his way unless absolutely convinced of other options.[/list][/indent] [b]| INVENTORY - EQUIPMENT |[/b] [list][*] [b]Traveler's Cloak[/b] - A fine, tailored brown cloak, this handy garment keeps Lee cool and protected in the sunlight, and warm at night. Of course, being a traveler firstly and a preacher second, the cloak is also specially tailored and fitted with numerous pockets, holsters and pouches in its inner lining. His most prominent possessions within his cloak are:[list][*] [b]Wolfe | Type A x 2[/b] - Fitted into special holsters inside his cloak, Lee keeps these two guns always close at hand when he travels into territories that are often patrolled by bandits or thieves. [*] [b]Hawking | Coach Gun[/b] - Surprising that a preacher would carry around a shotgun, Lee has sawn off most of the barrel of this long coach gun so it can fit easily inside his cloak. The coach gun sits within its holster on the back of his cloak, and is only used in very desperate times. [*] [b]Knife[/b] - Also fitted to the inside of his cloak, Lee keeps a very sharp knife handy for up close and personal encounters with angry wildlife that are too fast for bullets. [*] [b]Bible[/b] - Not carrying this would be aL blasphemy too terrible for words. He keeps this little pocket-sized holy text within a small pocket near his chest, so he can constantly draw on its spiritual power and conveniently reach it if he needs to. [*] [b]Crucifix[/b] - A plain silver cross on a chain, this is also folded in one of the cloak's many pockets.[/list][/list] [b]| BACKGROUND |[/b] [indent]Born to a fiercely religious family, it was obvious that Lee would follow in his parent's footsteps. However, the road that the Lord would take him was one of hardship more than anything else. His father, a good, upstanding man who tended a general store when not preaching in church, came to him one day with grave news: a relative that lived out in the countryside was deathly ill, but they had not the resources to travel such a distance to pray for and tend to them together. They only had enough for one person: him. It was with a heavy heart that Lee left his home and took a train out into the sticks, hoping to return. It was a journey that would never end. After reaching the small backwater town his distant relative was in, he searched high and low for him, only to find that he had passed days before, while he was still on the train. Without the money to pay for a return trip, Lee instead went looking for work, eventually finding an honest job tending to the horses in the town's stables. It was there that the fires of faith lit themselves in his heart; had he not prayed, or left sooner, his uncle would not have died such a death, with no one by his side. It was then that he vowed to himself to spread God's word, so that no one else should suffer such pain if their loved ones were out of reach. Thus began his long journey through various towns and cities, preaching the word by day, working by night to pay rent and for food and water. Eventually his travels led him to such chance encounters with bandits who robbed him of every penny, wild dogs that left him a bleeding wreck outside of a town, among other harsh lessons of life. It was on this journey that his wandering led him to Blackwood, present day. It is here that he has made his temporary home, working as a stablehand while sharing the good news of God.[/indent] [b]| GOALS - ASPIRATIONS |[/b] [indent]Lee aspires to travel the world, spreading the good word of the Lord to all the peoples who would listen and repent of their sins.[/indent]