[b][center][h3][color=seagreen]The Republic of Deltora May 1907[/color][/h3][/center][/b][hr] [b][center]Southern Front[/center][/b] [b][i]6th Infantry Division Occupied Murenheidtan Serranthia Late May[/i][/b] The shifting sands settled as Lieutenant Colonel Delacroix peered out over the parapet at the tan landscape beyond. From this position he overlooked the two trench lines running parallel to one another that made up the front lines, he was however closer to the Survaekom trenches than his own. In his hands, a folded and creased sheet of paper remained as a breathless runner, a rather young man by his looks, slumped against the trench wall besides him. [b]"Orders... From HQ."[/b] The young man wheezed. Two days prior, the division had crossed the border hugging the western bank of the river Eerkhad in an attempt to avoid the two Survaekom army groups in the region, both of which were believed to have been delayed, however as the Division made their way across the border they found themselves under-fire from Survaekom forces on a manned border. Caught in open ground, the Division had assaulted the enemy position rather than pull back to avoid the entire Divisions demise. Nevertheless, casualties had been high but the position had been taken, hastily trenches facing Survaekom positions had been dug by the beleaguered division. The Lieutenant Colonel turned around to face what was once 20,000 souls, now 5,000 wary ones, all dirtied and bloodied. [b]"Orders are, to defend and hold the forward position with remaining forces until relief can arrive."[/b] The Colonel spoke aloud. [b]"All soldiers of the 6th Deltoran Infantry Division are to be awarded, upon return to Deltora the Gallant Cross in recognition for their service to the country, and its people... You heard the paper men! It is up to us, to defend this breach for our country. Here, we fight a foe which would see our children put in chains! We fight for the common good, and it is demanded of us to defend this position and by the saints will we do it!"[/b] His voice booming now as the men steadily rose with their rifles. [b]"I want machine guns positioned along here, and here, and a spotter overlooking the Survaek trench-line, get me a report on their firepower so we have something to show for this damned nightmare."[/b] Delacroix continued as he returned to looking over the parapet. The 6th Infantry Division would be ready. [center][img]http://davidostewart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/WWI-trench.jpg[/img] [i]Trench position of the 6th Infantry Division.[/i][/center] [hr] [b][center]The Butchers Bill[/center][/b] Within 23 days, 38,275 men had lost their lives in Serranthia. 21,076 Deltorans had been recovered and identified as deceased. 17,199 Survaekom had likewise been reported dead by sources on both sides. The result of three engagements. On may 25th, during a lull of the fighting along the Eerkhad River. Deltorans, helms marked with the red cross and bearing stretches crossed the front carrying the Survaekom's fallen to deliver them to the opposing force, and in doing so allow the dead to finally rest.