[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjZmNzkwMi5WR2hsSUVkdmJHUmxiaUJVY21WbElFaHZkR1ZzLjAA/just-die-already.regular.png[/img] The history of the vague foundation left behind by what must have been an enormous building in the 1920s is as unreliable as the memories of the people who visitted when it was still up. There was no documentation, no records, no artifacts left behind but lines and lines of building-shaped bricks and crumbling, sinking walls with a courtyard roughly in the middle of it, and a large dead tree in the middle of that. [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5005d21ac4aa55eb76ab5f3b/t/520d5ffde4b06ca52b3f3763/1376608254202/hotel6.jpg[/img] Once upon a time, it was a place of glorious music, cheerful secrets, and romance aplenty. Nowadays, its music is the screech of rusty chandeliers and the pained groans of an old building in the wind. Its cheerful secrets are the stashes of junkies and the unlicensed fishermen that sneak onto the beaches at night. Now, the closest thing it gets to romance are on the dreary, rainy spring days when crows fight for boning rights behind the remains of its walls. Or at least that's what the locals would tell you. It seems everyone in town is completely unaware of the fact that someone's been restoring it, and that a big, beautiful resort (although still quite old-looking and incomplete in the strangest of places) has been practically glowing along the beach for a few days now. Welcome to the chilly, perpetually foggy realm of New England, the place where people with personal problems go to fight the unceasingly strange forces of ambiguous morality. Especially if fetus monsters get involved at some point. You've arrived here after receiving a rather fancy invitation announcing the grand re-opening of the Golden Tree Hotel, giving you the address and telling you to drop by sometime next week when the ribbon is cut. Perhaps you should go? Who knows what can happen on a vacation to the coast? Goodness knows that nothing [i]bad[/i] could possibly happen... [hider=Genre Information: THIS IS A HORROR GAME!... Sort of...] Before you go making a character, it might be useful to note that this will not be your average quirky romantic hotel vacation game. In fact, I'll try my best to avoid that at all costs. You're perfectly welcome to have your romance and your quirkiness, as it'll likely enrich characters and stories, but the setting will not facilitate that specifically. This resort is a Silent-Hill type locale that chews up inner angst and spits out monsters and such. You're also likely to meet several eldritch monsters and other beings that have been pent up in this location (for hidden lore reasons) for up to 80 years. Now, I won't pretend that I'm a great horror writer, because I'm not. I'd almost call it dark comedic surrealism, if anything... Ah, screw my inconclusive ramblings, just suffice it to say that this will not be a normal Inn-type roleplay. You should expect your character to be going on an adventure and potentially dying. [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. The GM's word is law. *Puffs out chest* 2. You should at least try to post once a day. 3. Write as much as you want, but try to avoid going through paragraphs of action without giving other characters a chance to react. 4. As is the same in all places, Bunnying, Godmoding, Power Playing, Munchkinning, (I've seen it done in freeforms before...) and being a slimy wang in general are very frowned upon and also very NOT ALLOWED. 5. Romance is fine and mildly encouraged. If you plan on going beyond 2nd base (Or plan on going to 2nd base graphically and/or nudely) fade to black, drop the curtain, or have a heart-shaped iris shot and do it in PMs. 6. Have fun. Everyone who breaks this rule will be bored to death with extreme prejudice. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] PM me the sheet, and then post it in Characters if it's accepted. It won't count against you if you do post it here, but I'd like to keep everything as mysterious as possible... Also it requires 5 less milliseconds for me to access. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Inventory: Strengths: [b][u]PLEASE[/u] KEEP THESE LAST FOUR [u]IN PM[/u], IT'S MORE AWESOME WHEN PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HOTEL IS GOING TO SPIT OUT.)[/b] Weaknesses: Fears: Vices: Scars (mental and/or physical): [/hider]