[center][color=f26522][h3]ANDY[/h3][/color][/center][hr] You would not believe what happened this morning. S’tann was being a dick (well, that’s a given. Anyone would believe that.) – and I didn’t say or do anything to piss him off even more! (There it is.) Now, I know what you’re thinking: [i]“But Andy, pissing him off is like the coffee to your hangover!”[/i] And while you might not be wrong, I am going to say that, in my defence, I had a weird morning. So, here’s the deets: I got out of bed, right? And I wanted breakfast, so I went to get breakfast. And then… I [i]didn’t[/i] go over to Mari and Freddie to initiate our regular conversation. [quote][i]“So…” “The fuck up, Andy.”[/i][/quote] And I didn’t go over to Amethyst to try and talk to her (which turned out to be a good move), and Julian was away, so I couldn’t hang with him, because he’s a dick like that. But here’s the [i]real[/i] weird part: When I have no one to talk to, I normally find some random to mess around with. It’s a good strategy that works nine/ten times, because I find that people at Corrigan are nice, with the exception of my friends. My friends are arseholes. (See above conversation for evidence.) But I didn’t do that. No, I just got my breakfast, sat alone at a table, and ate it. Yeah. And then S’tann was a dick and stuff and it would’ve been a perfect opportunity to get him started up, but I didn’t. It was strangely mature of me. Drama went about as expected. Ms. Brown announced this year’s production, Freddie got mad, and I fist bumped the guy sitting next to me, because Star Wars. Freddie stormed out of the room ([i]Ha.[/i] Get it?), and I felt obliged to do everyone else a favour and ask him a question. “Hey, Fred, mate, my British coz, since you’re leaving, could you maybe make the rain go away? It’s kind of a bummer.” Turns out it was a stupid question, because he ignored me. The bell went, and, excitably, because I was excited, I jumped out of my chair to race for the door, because I knew what was up next – an A.R.C. Session. With John freaking Stewart. The only thing that stopped me was someone’s groan, a sound which could only have belonged to either a dying whale, or someone going through a really tough time. Oh yeah, and Mari. In an attempt to break out of the weirdness that was earlier that morning, I decided to approach her, cautiously, because one wrong move and she could tear me apart with words. Some would say she even rivals me in her sassmastery. And so, strolling up to her, I asked, “Rough morning?” Because I’m a good person, and I care about my friends.