[b]Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015[/b] Kotori quickly looked over the result of the massed attack that the group had unleashed on the spindly shadow creatures - but not in incredulity at the sheer strangeness of the whole scene, though she knew in any other situation that is what she'd be doing, but rather trying to make sure none of the creatures were getting too close as they moved in for a counter-attack even as Rui warned them to keep an eye out for any trickery. With the previous attack putting their foes into disarray, they at least didn't have to worry about attacks from behind - and Kotori found herself toward the rear of the group, leaving the more physically capable team members out front. They hadn't gotten away completely unscathed though - but fortunately, there hadn't been any actual injuries but merely scratches, light cuts and close calls, distressing though those may be. With enough breathing space, Kotori had time to choose her next target before motioning toward it with one hand - the gesture not even being needed as Kikuri-Hime sprang into action once again; calling down another bolt of lightning from on high to strike one of the creatures. It hadn't even needed more than a passing thought - much like the others had said, it became second nature nearly immediately; as if one had always known how to utilise one's persona - though, in a sense, that was exactly how it was, after all. Still, there was no time to marvel at the sensation - instead, Kotori fixed her eyes on the shadow creatue. It had survived the immediate strike, though clearly taken damage - it seemed her defensive and supporting abilities really did outstrip her offensives ones, though at least the creature would be softened up for any subsequent attacks that were sure to dispatch it. It looked like the tide of battle was rapidly turning in the group's favour despite having been caught flat-footed initially. Still, Rui had called every to be careful - and as such, Kotori quickly checked her surroundings, just to be sure, before checking up on the others' state, given that they were positioned closer to the enemies. Though she'd been told that Megumi could keep them updated on any strange shadow movements, it was one thing to know it but another to truly understand it for what it was - so Kotori found herself glancing around for any odd movements all the while.