[h2]Mars[/h2] The bell rang signalling the end of Mars' torture of having to sit through this awful math class and he gave Jake a high five when that loud and sweet bell's rang entered his ears. Mars' gathered up his things and moved quickly to get out the terrible class. Jake followed quickly behind him and caught up with him the hall as they joined the mass of students leaving class. "Damn that was painful, I can't believe we have some stupid shit test next week, God that will be total torture" Jake groaned while Mars checked his scedule for what was next on his class list. He then smiled when he saw that training at the A.R.C. with John Stewart was their next class and felt some excitement go through him. "No need to worry about that, we have training in the A.R.C. as our next course and that will be fun. We'll get to kick some major ass and take some names" Mars said to his bro and Jake gave a grin at the thought. "Oh yeah! I'm ready to bust open a face!" he said excited to get in some physical training. The two of them headed for The Augmented Reality Center, for once hoping that they weren't late for the party and ready to get on with hitting stuff. The large building was easy to find even without a map since it was so big and soon they entered inside to find that several of the other students were there already. Mars and Jake then noticed that S'tann and Kieran were also present. "Hay Mars look whose here! Blue Boy and Green Dick! You now have a chance to kick both of their asses!" Jake said grinning in triumph. "Well I guess today is a lucky day" Mars said smiling. Jake then pointed at Kieran and opened his mouth to speak. "Hay why does Supes wear a cape? Capes are for pussies!" he said with a laugh and Mars doubled over in hysteria. "Good one bro!" he managed to say while still laughing his ass off. "You know it!" Jake replied giving his buddy a fist bump. They were eagerly excited to start this session and wondered when their teacher was going arrive and get this thing going. [i]Time to punch up or shut up.[/i]