Raph got his stuff onto his back as, he lead his horse to the stables his old fashioned leather boots hitting the ground with a soft thud, he unsaddled his horse stroking her muzzle. The horse looked at him "I know girl I'll be careful." He made his way into town, it was a busy place he really didn't mind it. He sea green eyes looking from side to side, his assassin armor in the pack he had over his shoulder. He spotted his target at a window with some puppys there, he walked past her. A guard grabs him by the shoulder, "what's your business here?" Raph already went through the story a bunch of times in his head, "the kingdom I lived in was burned to the ground I have been traveling ever since till I found this place." The guard let go of his shoulder, "alright, but don't cause any trouble." Raph nodded, soon he found an old book store and went inside. He found an old book about a young knight saving a person in danger and falling in love with her, he opened the book and started to read a bit of it.