The man didn't know, huh. Not a pleasing answer, but not terrible. If he didn't know, she wouldn't get answers from him. She didn't resist his answer of having nothing against her, but wondered. Through all his answers, she could easily discern that she was under arrest, and being apprehended for something-or-other, but she had never heard of the Academy. Oh well. Looked like she wouldn't get anything useful for this guy, with his snakelike eyes and smug humming tune. Speaking of snakes, the serpent let out a brief hiss before cackling, making her eyes narrow involuntarily. That was her immediate response to being laughed at. It hissed to its master of killing her, and her teeth bared. Though she herself was no beast but an elegant-looking young woman with a flair for the wilderness, and her Illumin was gone and passed by then, she felt as feral as one at that moment. She was not to be laughed at by serpents. She closed her eyes, however, and stayed in compliance silently awaiting the next move.