Percy's barely known this guy (Jan), and he's already [i]grating [/i]on his nerves - what he'd give to just [i]sock him[/i] right in his [i]stupid [/i]mouth.. But he just forces himself to exhale. The [i]nerve [/i]of the guy asking them to just spill their life stories when they barely fucking know each other anyway.. Yeah, it'd be a way to get to know each other, but that's just too intimate to share with the people that are still basically strangers. If one of them did start to just spill their hearts out to this dope, he tuned it out and took more interest in his jacket's zipper than whatever information is being disclosed. [hider=OOC Comments] The opinions of Percy are not my own - I am very much interested in the life stories of these characters, as told by these characters. XD also [i]wow [/i]I feel like this post is WAAYYY too short. XD [/hider]