[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130408022201/smallville/images/0/09/Ian-Smoulder-halder-ian-somerhalder-32812636-500-700.jpg[/img] [color=gold][i]”I’m nobody’s [color=white]hero[/color].”[/i][/color] [color=gold]Appearance:[/color] Irish, speaks Gaelic. At 6'0, Orion is muscular from working out as well as his work as a firefighter. He is surprisingly quick on his feet. He sports bright blue eyes and a mop of dark brown hair that he runs his fingers through it in the morning and calls it good. He normally wears black or gray t-shirt with his favorite leather jacket, dark blue jeans and combat boots. [color=gold]Name:[/color] Orion Williams Forrester [color=gold]Age:[/color] 25 [color=gold]Biography:[/color] To say the siblings were apart of a happy family would be stretching it a bit. They never knew their father, the man had left as soon as he found out the siblings's mother was pregnant with Estelle. Their mother's parents disowned her and she was left to raise them by herself, her own sister turning her back on her.. She tried her best, working three jobs. Orion helped out where he could, even keeping an eye on Estelle when his mother couldn't. By the time Orion had gone off the college, their mother had meet another man. It was no surprise that their mother soon married him, lured in by his money. However, not too after their step-father John soon began showing his colors. He ordered their mother around and turned to drinking. Orion didn't like how he acted around Estelle and when CPS become involved after a teacher made the call after seeing bruises on Estelle, her guardianship turned to Orion. He had been working as a firefighter and was living in a small apartment. A elderly neighbor watched the girl when Orion had to go to work and with his job, he managed to provide for Estelle and himself. [color=gold]Other:[/color] He's fairly proficient with his hands and can build things out of parts laying around.[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kWkzgQM.jpg[/img] [color=cyan][i]”Monsters that live inside my [color=white]head[/color] at night are all right cause they can never compare to the ones that live [color=white]outside[/color].”[/i][/color] [color=cyan]Appearance:[/color] Irish, speaks Gaelic. At 3’0, Estelle could be described as petite and slender. Her skin is blemish free aside from a few scars on her hands and knees from falling. Her long dark curls hung to her waist and she has bright blue eyes like her brother. She is not very strong though she has quite a kick. She normally dresses in leggings, a skirt, a shirt, a jacket and running shoes. [color=cyan]Name:[/color] Estelle Marie Forrester [color=cyan]Age:[/color] 8 [color=cyan]Biography:[/color] *Read Orion's* [color=cyan]Other:[/color] She is quick and light on her feet with nimble fingers. Also, with her tiny size, she can sneak around fairly well.[/center]