[quote=@BlackPanther][@Claw2k11] Knight makes his way to their destination quickly. After all, having people on his back was a bit uncomfortable. When he gets closer to where he feels a surge of magic he lands, his massive wings folding once his taloned feet hit the ground. [color=lightcoral]"we have arrived to somewhere that feels... a bit on the heavy side with magic"[/color] He seems a bit uncomfortable with that much magic, which could only mean that they were getting very close to their desired location. He slowly lays down a bit so that his passengers can get off... Unless they want to ride him like a horse all the way there. Which would be irritating, but he would do it. [/quote] Maryvale leaps from his back to the floor, landing with a faint crack slipping from the ground, and an even fainter grunt upon her landing. Standing, she surveys the area; honestly, it was all she expected the Death Marshes to be: a dark, foggy place filled with dead trees and a terrifying magic presence. Well, terrifying to normal people, at least. The Dark Knight merely walks ahead a few meters, as her companions climbed from the dragon, excluding the Avian. Turning, she stares at the dragon. "D'gon, would you mind looking around a bit from the higher skies? I hear a dragon's sight is to be reckoned with by Avian kind." It was faint, though it sounded as though she had just smirked. "Avian, you act closer to the ground, if you would. We'll need you close by to both scout and help in battle, plus you can relay any information the D'gon provides. You may both take to the skies when you're ready."