[quote=@Claw2k11] The avian nods and takes up to the skies whilst the rest get their equipment ready, meanwhile the gnoll approaches Maryvale and whispers to her: "My lady, the other universal weapons will most likely be already claimed by someone by the time we get this and while I have no qualms about killing, the little human knight might oppose us killing the other mercenaries and steal their weapon... what will we do if he does?" [/quote] "We use persuasion, in either one sense or the other. I'm sure some words of the Grand Marshal's righteousness can convince him, and even then, our job is to collect the swords, not kill their hosts. We can do this a number of ways: intimidation, combat, stealth. The fact we have a dragon on our side also helps. The boy'll see soon enough - the innocent are so easy to corrupt." A faint feeling of dread emanates from Maryvale as she utters the last line, looking back at her other companions with... well, it's impossible to tell. "But of course, when push comes to shove, the Grand Marshal said "by any means necessary". I won't endanger the lives of comrades for the sake of a troubled, morally-guided soul."