Alright, considering MrStitches hasn't been on for 3, nearly 4 days, I'm going to remove his name from the OP, and give a bit of a status update. If he wants to return and show himself, he can be my guest. However, we have two contenders for his slot: [@Gowi] and [@SquishyPal]. I'm a acquaintance with both of these fellows so I'm probably a bit biased, but I'm going to wait for both to apply their CS's and I'll review them to see which one 'fits' more. As well, as you can see, SquishyPal already made a post in our Characters' section, which is amusing to me. Don't pay too much mind to it though. Anyways, after both of their CS's are ready for review by yours truly, I'll allow the rest of you guys ([@M127], [@ADParis], [@McMolly], [@Natsucooldude] and [@NanoFreakV2]) to give your thoughts on the matter. In any case, if you two want (Gowi, Squishy), please talk to your possible fellow players. Maybe give some info on yourselves and what sort of character you want to play. Edit: Also, I forgot to change my IC posts. Allow me to do so. Edit 2: IN ADDITION I JUST REALIZED. I FORGOT TO PUT 'BIOGRAPHY' IN THE NEW CS!!! RAAAAAAAARGH BLARGHLBELELBElBLEEERG So, please, everyone add a biography section. I'll update the CS to reflect that. Thank you for your time.