[IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2lig5ts.gif[/IMG] Name: Xander Mortifer Age: 21 Gender:Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Ability: Mental Manipulation http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Mental_Manipulation Mutation?: His eyes are an abnormal, unsettling blue and his teeth are sharpened to the point he can rip throats out with them. He wears a cover over them so his teeth appear normal. Brief Personality : Xander acts outwardly friendly and he's very charming. He knows exactly what to say when to say it and has a extraordinary way with words. Xander is very cunning and tends to find loopholes in almost everything. He always speaks with a very calm tone and people find him easy to talk to. History: I will add to this later. Did the radiation have any other effects on you? : His mind was severely demented. No one knows this unfortunately. Class Schedule: He instructs the hand-to-hand combat, fencing class and any mental-oriented power classes. Other: ;) better watch this one. --- [hider=His real personality...][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2u6igt0.gif[/IMG][/hider]