So for review by everyone I present the new lore on the state of the world and how Nyarlathotep fits in to fuck things up. This will in theory replace the opening blurb at the start of the rp. Full lore for places on the map and various other things like the undead or demons will come later. Because of my sloth. For now though any questions, comments concerns or suggested additions or subtractions are welcome. [hider=The New Lore][center][h1]☯ [color=Indigo]Darkness[/color] and [color=lemonchiffon]Light[/color] ☯[/h1][color=silver][i]A Fantasy Roleplay originally by ViolentViolet, Re-imagined and GM'd by [@Cultural Titan] and [@Leslie Hall][/i][/color] [img][/img] [color=silver][i]Art by the amazing [url=]Vennom07[/url] on DeviantArt[/i][/color][/center][hr][center][h3]"[color=silver][i]I have seen it. The eternal dance of the radiant light, and the cold shadow.[/i][/color]"[/h3][/center] In this world, there is darkness and there is light. These two opposing forces, forever intertwined by a cruel fate, govern the laws of our known world and our very existence itself. Everything possesses a soul; the container in which these forces battle from the moment we are born, to the moment we die. Yet, even bound by this fate, the miraculous act of being alive grants us the power to influence the soul with our actions. With acts of kindness and selflessness, our inner light can shine brightly and illuminate the dark. On the other hand, acts of evil and cruelty beckon the darkness; snuffing out the light. Yet no matter how hard some may try, our souls cannot exist without both light and dark. Even the most righteous of men can still fall prey to sin, and the most misguided individual may redeem themselves. It is the ebb and flow of the soul that makes us mortal, as well as keeps the world in balance. So what if this delicate balance was tipped by someone completely outside of our worlds laws? What if a being of pure darkness or pure light entered our world? Everything changed when a Demon of the Abyss; the place where souls tainted by darkness go after death, broke all the laws of nature by linking their existence to the Soul. Every time a person fueled the darkness within them, they indirectly allowed this monster to grow in power. It grew, using it's influence to sway others to commit horrendous, irredeemable acts of evil that shrouded their souls in the dark; all while providing more power to the Demon. The balance disrupted, with souls of pure darkness inhabiting mortals, the world was thrown into chaos. Natural disasters ravaged the land, men slaughtered each other in brutal wars and the horrible demon that started all of our suffering was released unto the world with the intent of sinking everything into the Darkness. [center][h3]"[color=silver][i]Ordinary men like you and I, but their souls are tainted and they know only evil. Truly, is there anyone we can really trust anymore?[/i][/color]"[/h3][/center][/hider]