[h2]Kudou Chie[/h2] "Ah-hah, sorry about that," replied Chie, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. She was a bit sad she couldn't have been around for the flower viewing, as well. And knowing someone looked up to her did make her feel pretty warm and fuzzy inside, even if she wasn't entirely sure she deserved that sort of praise. After all, it hadn't been too long ago that she was quite a different person... Oh, but she supposed that didn't matter right now. "I'll definitely be there next time." Eventually, they reached the dorms. A set of three large, stately buildings, each one for a different year, the Akiyama-Kreuz dorms were rather impressive in terms of facilities. Each room possessed, well... for one, due to the fact that at times both male and female students would inhabit the dorms, there had to be two bathrooms. It had not been a decision undertaken lightly, but it was determined that the best way for abilities to develop was to ensure that students spend as much time as possible together. Even if that meant potential awkwardness. Still, two bathrooms helped with this issue. Each dorm possessed some furniture and storage space, such as two beds, as well as a small kitchen. They were rather elaborate, but given the healthy amount of funding the academy received, they were able to afford this for their students. As the two girls reached their room, their luggage had already been dropped off. The staff was quite punctual about that, but Chie wouldn't have felt like it was a big deal if they were late.