[@cubix] [@leslie hall] [@cultural titan] [@cuccoruler] Alistair wanted to laugh at just how much his younger brother was glowing at the gift, to see him happy made him happy, but with the way his eyes gazed, like a sword piercing through a foe, Alistair knew that there was no room for guessing what was inside for his youngest sibling, his expression was so merry, it was as if Alistair had just dropped a thick slab of meat in front of a puppy, both he'd wager would act very much the same, with similar goofy smirks on both their visages. Exchanging their brotherly gestures, Alistair continued to show joy through his facial expressions, and proceeded to apply the same gesture back to his brother, to symbolize his love back for him, though when his parents entered the room, Alistair's expression turned to a more neutral, more respectable one, standing to attention, only to witness in absolute amazement the bucket collapsing onto both their heads. At that moment Alistairs heart stopped once more, fearful of what was going to happen... not so much for mother, she, no matter what, would never alter her pitch in such a way to upset another, and simply smiled as if praising the princess, too much praise Alistair thought, and he quickly turned his head to the RAT, the princess, the brat, and snarled almost, approaching his seat, he grumbled under his breath, not wanting to cause any... distress with the family, though as he sat down, the bucket immediately landed on top of his head, and in that moment, he fell silent... His body refused to move... "You two really are bucketheads!" She yipped, like a pathetic, whiny fox, both Alistair and his younger sibling having been subjected to the brats tricks, along with their parents... Just when he assumed he was going to have a peaceful day, his mood had reverted into a sour, angry scowl. Gripping the edges of the bucket, Alistair removed it by simply ripping the thing in half from his face, and once his face revealed itself, Rida was forced to glare into the blazing eyes of his brother, as he dropped the remains of the bucket by his side, cracking his knuckles aggressively. [color=f26522]"........"[/color] Alistair was silent, instead of speaking, he simply scowled in disdain... He wanted to discipline her, teach her a lesson on why such behavior was not welcome in front of others nor welcome at all at any moment in time, though he knew he wasn't the one to give her justice for this, he would simply have to "enjoy" the ruined breakfast evening as best he could, leave it to a sister to ruin a perfect morning, turning his head to look at his mother, once her hand was placed upon his shoulder, allowing his aggressive expression to soften to a less threatening one, for his mother. "[color=bc8dbf]Your father's court means well, but they will most certainly try and dismiss his plea today. I'm going to need your support today, since they will inevitably try and belittle my opinion on the subject and insist I take my leave[/color]" Alistair listened to her carefully, understanding exactly what she was on about, nodding his head silently in agreement, to hopefully remove some of her worry, he wasn't going to allow the court to dismiss his mother, nor reject fathers plea's, and he'd make it certain they understand what needs to be done. When his father and mother had finally sat down, he heard his father ask about what they were going to do with their trouble maker... Alistair unfortunately, couldn't keep himself from speaking up. [color=f26522]"Far less than she deserves..."[/color] He said with venomous spite.