[quote=@Tyler] I didn't suggest that Mars being unlikeable was a bad thing. S'tann is largely unlikeable and yet he is among my favourite characters; likewise Amethyst. Regarding use of NPCs: of course they can be used in that kind of situation. But having your character surgically attached to an NPC for emergency writing shortages seems like a lazy way to handle difficult situations; plus, it's clunky and means there's this omnipresent meathead whom nobody quite knows what to do with. You might as well just make a separate character entirely if you were to do that. However, I would personally suggest you not underestimate the value of giving your characters some alone-time. It lets you explore a side of them that they would ordinarily not express when around others. [/quote] Jake was merely for humor purposes, I made him mainly so it didn't seem like all the characters get cluttered by trying to find one another constantly.