S'tann S'tonn is an annoying prick. He knows it. Everyone else knows it. Most people don't like him because of that fact. But S'tann is of the firm belief that he's only the third most hated student on campus. [i]Who can be more unlikable than that asshole?[/i] You, hypothetical person that exists within S'tann's subconscious, might ask. Well, they just arrived in the Augmented Reality Center, and they're up to their usual infuriatingly moronic antics. Mars and Jake didn't waste a beat, the two of them calling out S'tann and Kieran, the most powerful students present, immediately. They weren't even being clever, either. Just annoying. S'tann's scowl darkened and he sunk further into the crowd, hoping beyond hope he'd get the chance to bust their skulls open during the A.R.C session. He considered fighting them on their bullshit now, but the chances of John Stewart appearing and dishing out a loud of ass-kicking were far too high for S'tann's liking. So he stayed silent and waited for them to begin. A handful of other students arrived and mingled together in the lobby. The Martian recognized a few of them from earlier. A few minutes passed. S'tann wondered if John would actually be late for once, something unheard of from the ex-marine turned Green Lantern. But alas, the familiar hiss of the center's automated doors announced Coach Stewart's appearance in the foyer. S'tann shuffled into positions along with the rest of the student body present, giving John his full and undivided attention. He briefly made note of the doors at the back of the center being shoved open multiple times by students arriving late. Hmph. He could understand being late to the normal classes. Those were rather boring. But an A.R.C session? That was fucking suicide. Especially if Todd was in charge. Luckily for them, Green Lantern didn't acknowledge their blatant tardiness. At least not yet. John spouted off the usual [i]'this is really important, so pay attention'[/i] speech. S'tann listened with a small smirk on his face as John forced Mars' boyfriend out of the A.R center before getting into the real meat of his talk: the mission and the teams. Now that was interesting. Silver Banshee and S'tann would be leading the All-Star Squadron against Aiden Roth and Kieran Kent's Suicide Squad. Not the teams most people would expect, given the personalities of the leaders. But S'tann was ecstatic. He'd finally get to show Kent what happened when you tried to stop a Martian Manhunter from doing their duty. The teams made sense. The majority of magic users were assigned to the All-Star's, obviously meant to counter the Kryptonian on the Suicide Squad. The pyrokinetics were on the Suicide Squad as a counter to Legacy. That would be problematic. [i]Very[/i] problematic. The addition of Mars, Jack and Fenris to team All-Star seemed very intentional. That pissed S'tann off. He hated the three of them with a burning passion. Which is most likely why Stewart stuck them together in the first place. S'tann made his way into the left side entrance. He quickly grabbed one of the training suits and adapted it to his shape shifting physiology before getting into the ready room and awaiting further instruction. This would be a difficult fight to win; that's for sure. The odds seemed stacked in the Suicide Squad's favor. But that wouldn't deter S'tann. If his last few years here at Corrigan had proven anything, they proved that S'tann would do whatever it takes be the very best (like no one ever was.) He'd been in his fair share of bad A.R.C sessions. This one would be one for the record books, though, if it went anything like S'tann thought it would. John Stewart gave All-Star their mission instructions over the intercom. Extracting hostages, capturing data drives and deactivating explosives. All in the Arctic. Great. Snow and Martians never really agreed with each other. At least they weren't anywhere excessively hot. S'tann held his breath, his eyes glued to the count down above the door. Once the doors opened, the cold air washed over his skin and goose bumps dotted his pink flesh. S'tann entered his Martian form, standing at least a head over everyone else in the room. He looked around at the rest of the team. [i]Here we go.[/i] He thought to himself, stepping out into the snow. The first one to speak up was Mari, asking Molly and S'tann what the plan was. The Martian glanced over at Silver Banshee and back at Nightstar. "Yeah. I have a few ideas." He started. "We'll split the team into multiple squads, to try and deal with as many objectives at once as we can. Alpha team will be composed of Amethyst, Richard, and Rita. Your job is to take down Kieran. The Kryptonian is their biggest gun; without him, they'll be demoralized and easier to defeat. Once we're closer I'll be able to telepathically scan the base and determine his location, and then relay that information to you." He then turned to the more human members of the team. "Fenris, Raphael, Sugar. You're Beta team. Your job is to get to those hard drives and reactivate those explosive collars. If you can manage that, the game is basically ours." S'tann then looked specifically at Jack. "Catboy. Your job is to sneak inside and disable the bombs. Don't let them see you, alright?" Finally, S'tann addressed the rest of the group. "The rest of us are on Delta team. That's Molly, Nightstar, Mars and myself. We're going after the hostages; and we're going in loud. Any questions? Or do have a better plan, Silver?" S'tann asked, looking around at the group and resting his eyes at last on Mailsi.