Savannah decided to wander. She had found over the years that purposely getting yourself lost when you're in a new area works very well. If she wanted to know her way around this place, she would need to get herself good and lost. She started wandering up and down random hallways that she didn't know where they went and exiting through random doors that led to more hallways and eventually she was so lost that she couldn't even make her way back to where she came. She stumbled upon a locked computer lab and found herself wanting to use her earring to pick the lock and investigate. [i]Don't get yourself expelled on the first day. . .[/i] Savannah thought. She had always been a computer nerd. Whenever any of the computers at her school would shut down or malfunction the teachers would call her out of class to come fix them. Looking through the window, she saw the computers were state of the art, smart screens and the most shiny keyboards she had ever seen. Suddenly she heard people coming down the hallway behind her. Because she wasn't sure if she was even supposed to be here, she looked around panicked for someplace to hide. She heard laughter coming closer to her. Running further down the hallway, the only place she could see to hide was behind a brick pillar sticking out from the wall. The voices stopped. She wondered who those people were. . .