Chyou quickly grasped the binoculars, raising the optics to eye level in order to inspect the facility's patrolmen; a pit quickly formed in her chest as she realized these men were not guardians. The realm of Nerta held strict policy to the distribution of such weaponry; the objective being to avoid citizen and private hands from acquiring tools of death, and to keep firearms in the hands of the trusted government. These was accepted by the public, as magic still held greater power over such barbaric tools. However, in order to distinguish guardians from civilians, several policies were strictly enforced. A lesser policy being standard guardian attire (attire that these men lack), the second being enchantments to modify physical appearance - in particular certain Kanji within the eyes of guardians. Adjusting her position slightly, Chyou turned to look at Kimlee directly. "These men," she said as she extended the binoculars to Kimlee, "are not guardians. Pinehearst has hired these men privately, and acquired illegal arms. Whatever they are hiding in this facility, it needs to be exposed. Stay here, stay quiet, and make sure we go unseen. I'm going to approach this from a different angle." Laying flat against one of the trees surrounding the duo, Chyou placed herself into a meditative state. It only took a few moments for Chyou to utilize Gishiki. The world around her shifted, color vanishing; no object remaining still. Chyou stood, looking down at her mortal body. As she stepped forward, she also met eyes with Kimlee - knowing full well she could see Chyou. With a leap, Chyou entered flight, quickly making her way around the facility's exterior. After a few turns, Chyou counted 6, no.. 7 private guns, each armed. Upon closer inspection, it was made apparent that none of these men owned Natrelmon, however magic was still on the table. As she finished inspecting the patrolmen, Chyou turned to make flight into the facility itself - intending to discover Pinehearst's secrets under their own noses. As she collided with the Falline's primary entrance, she was met only with metal. While in her ethereal form she felt no pain, the resounding 'impact' so to say sent her flying back to her own body. eliciting a sharp intact of breath, Chyou's mortal form quickly sprang back to life. Turning away from Kimlee, she vomited. After a few moments, Chyou recovered enough to give Kimlee an update. '7 men, all armed, no Natrelmon. They possibly might be able to use magic, and Kimlee..." she stopped for a moment, thinking of an optimal way to describe what had just happened, "Pinehearst has sealed this facility from the Spirit realm as well. I was not able to enter it. What I did feel, however, was the cry for help. Something within those walls is in need of our assistance."