While she listened attentively, the Moon Fey straightened her back uncomfortably, as though the weight of the responsibility Svarak was charging her with was a physical burden settling heavily on her slender shoulders. The Charr's proclamation of confidence did little to ease the trouble that lurked behind Rilana's eyes. She continued to watch him as he sat down, curious and thoughtful, especially at the melancholy look that crossed his face. But perhaps she imagined it. Rilana's piercing blue gaze settled on Tomas, whom she'd previously failed to acknowledge and watched him get up with his rustling satchel, and if out of nothing more than her desire to find her way out of the Citadel and away from the Lord Knight, she didn't hesitate to follow until she was right at the door. Turning back, her lips pulled up in a smile, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes, [color=00aeef]"We shall see what happens, Lord Knight. Oh, and next time you want to force me into a sparring match, challenge me yourself."[/color] The Moon Fey had little to say to the young squire, listening to him with the empty face of someone who was replaying her previous conversation over in her mind. It was how she tended to look when Kona was pestering her, but for now the gryphon was silent, his presence a simple attempt to comfort her while her emotions vied tempestuously with her infantile sense of duty. She was more amused by the existence of the lift than curious about how it worked, though blaming the long ride down to the ground level was a convenient thing to blame the flutter in her stomach on. The sight of Bruin was a welcome relief and her opinion of Tomas improved when he moved to touch the beast kindly. She tucked the thing into the front of her soft deerhide vest and pursed her lips. [color=00aeef]"I'm sure I will think of much in the next few days but I am weary now and need to rest so that I can apply myself properly for the journey at hand. I will want to meet the knights who are to accompany me before we leave. For now I will tell you that whatever dry rations you expected to bring, double it. The weather in the Frostfell is colder than you can possible imagine. Invest in wolverine fur, it's one of the few animals that does not gather frost."[/color] Before she left to find a place to stay (since none of the Knights had bothered to extend that modicum of hospitality, as Kona was quick to point out!) she briefly imparted a basic knowledge of surviving in the cold and the existence of such things as snow-shoes and snow-goggles and a few other things. Enjoying a moment with her horse, bolstered, if only somewhat, but the knowledge that he would be with her again, Rilana was completely taken aback by the strange behaviour of the page. Certain that she would shatter under the strain of any more strangeness, Rilana fled into the city, followed by the ghostly flight of a white raven.