Sarah's laughter eerily glitches across the coms, she hadn't had any ECM installed, since the new supplies hadn't been ordered when she had left on leave. [url=]"Dun...da da da....dun...dadadada!"[/url], She singed as she swinged around the corner wide around Cecilia to get a good view of the 30mm autocannon pointed at her face and to hear her commander glitchly shout contact!. However, unlike her more sensible superior whom kept tight to her corners Sarah was out in the open. To any rational normal person this would be a stressful situation.Sarahs' manic grin suggested otherwise as she forced her wheels into overdrive. Speeding head on to the frame that Cecilia had just distracted then jumped to miss a shot from the machines powerful auto cannon to land Mr.Bubbles feet squarely into the mechanoids chest. Quickly grabbing the machines left arm and using the shearing force of the kick to pull the whole arm out of it's socket. Mr. Bubbles then kindly informed her that that little stunt had eaten about 10 minutes of basic operations time. Leaving her with a maximum of sixty minutes on the operational clock, more like thirty considering Mr.B didn't even have access to basic diagnostics.. "GOOOOOALLL!",she shouted over the coms as she rose up sounding quite like a sportscaster on an old crappy radio. Lifting her autocanon and firing point blank into her victims chest. Cecilia as usual having to clean up the mess she was leaving. Pretty epically exposed right now, if she hadn't been suppressing the other XM5 Sarah would have had a nice AT missile rammed straight into her cocky mouth. If she now wasn't having autocannon fire spread at her she would have show boated to boot.She looked over to see the rest of the team lining up against the wall. Quickly thinking about her tactical position it took her a split second to signal she was going to get to the other side of the street. It would give her CO the ability to have a wider view of the street as well as allow her to cover a possible advancement of the team. Sarah was quick to get herself over to the other corner and began to fire at the other FRAME causing problems for the team to spread. Blindfire of course as the tempting target of Sarahs ass had been a much needed distraction for him. As well as the rest of the Panthers. "Miss!", she called into the radio. "Gameplan? or are we winging this like the Manchu incident?", she giggled as a rather large looking shell missed her gun and frame arm to blow up a car across the road. The car was thrown into the building behind and she kind of just blinked at it.