[center][h2]Rida[/h2][/center] [@cubix] [@leslie hall] [@cultural titan] [@The_written_John] Rida was laughing while leaning back in her seat as both her siblings and parents were caught by her trick. In hall honesty this was one of her most harmless pranks. She could have filled the buckets with water, but instead she chose to fill them with nothing. She really was a free spirited young girl. She was hoping her family would have a laugh from it. At Least Lethanol was having fun with her prank, she could always count on him to enjoy her little pranks. After finally finishing her burst of laughter Rida noticed her father and elder brother both giving her a look of rage. "Oh come on! You two are always so serious. A little laughter would do you two some good you know. Besides I made sure that prank was harmless, it was only empty buckets, they can't do any damage." Rida said. She was starting to get a bit annoyed with her serious her family was. She truly did believe that a happy family laughed togeather. Rida sat back into her chair, giving a bit of a pouty face. She only wanted the best for her family, but they couldn't always take a joke. Rida just sat back as her breakfast arrived. She started to eat it while keeping eye contact away from her brother and eldest brother. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [center][h2]Cythlla[/h2][/center] [@Firetigress3] There was a child still left in the village. It was a young boy with short brown hair. He was currently crying. He was hiding amongst the rubble until now afraid that the monsters would come back. "H-HELP!" The Boy yelled at a passing soldier. The soldier looked back at the boy realizing that there was a survivor. "WE HAVE A SURVIVOR EVER HERE!" The Soldier yelled to the others. As other Soldiers arrived they looked closely at the young boy. He was rather thin, it was possible to see his ribs even. "I'm hungry, why am I hungry? No matter how much I eat I'm always hungry." The boy said his eyes didn't look quite right. One of the soldiers took out a ration of bread to give to the boy. "Will this do?" The Soldier asked reaching out the bread. Before the soldier could stop to look at the boy's eyes he was attacked. The Boy opened his mouth to show sharp fangs. "I'm so hungry!" The Boy yelled in distorted voice. He plunged his fangs into the soldier's arm starting to drink his blood. Before long he had taken all of the blood from the Soldier. The other soldiers just looked on in horror. How could they attack a child? The poor boy didn't even know what he was doing, he didn't know he had been changed into a vampire. It was one of the vampires that Cythlla had missed it seems. He had gotten away before she could take control of him.