Siphran almost balked at the red's response. [i]Just meals?[/i] No imagination, these younger ones... Funny, he could actually say that in this situation. He was about to rebuke her when a sudden scream from somewhere to his rear made him jolt in surprise. He ignored the reds commentary as he turned to the display behind him, confirming what hed already guessed. The little human had somehow hurt itself. Surprising it had lasted this long, unsupervised, in the wilderness. [i]The mud-thumper's young really ARE helpess aren't they?[/i] He was pretty put out by the situation though and ignored the reds further comments in his musing. Screaming was bad. It was loud. And of course it precludes any sort of conversation. A shame really. He would just let the red have her way with it, then maybe have a nice chat with her afterwa- [i]WAIT[/i] A golden sparkle caught his attention. Taken aback, the blue lifted his right paw off the ground and shook it, inspecting it for its usual adornment. No jingle, felt too light. [i]Of couuurse.[/i] Completely ignoring the red at this point, he walked close, towering over the screaming human and her golden spoils. Carefully manipulating his claw, he lifted the childs "necklace" carefully, inspecting it before lowering it again. "How kind of you to find this for me! I hadnt even known it was gone." Siphran regarded the child with a cocked head, unsure what to do next. He was no healer, and he [i]had[/i] to take care of the human now. After the kindness it had done him! He turned to the red with a hopeful expression. "I know this is, perhaps, a long shot. You wouldnt happen to be knowledgeable in any healing skills by chance? They would be plenty useful, Im sure the human would agree?" He turned to the prone figure, as if expecting a response, before turning back to the red with an apologetic smile. "I think the screaming is an affirmation." Though it was his bracelet, he would let the human keep the "necklace" for now though. After all, she deserved some sort of reward. Such a noble persona, recovering an unknown persons belongings until they could be found, would be the sort of person that would make for very nice conversation, if he could just keep the red from eating her. What a wonderful day.