The fleet took off, Three Venerator's and ten Accalamator's reinforced by over two dozen Consular class corvette's. They jumped to Hyperspace the Stealth ship having been loaded on to the flagship. The ARC troopers were figuring out squad's and who would take what weapons. The Commando's meanwhile had moved off and were working with cut down and special weapon's. Commander Scraper was preparing his jet pack, when he saw Spanner heading right for one of the Commando's followed by him having a very bad feeling about. He stood up and started towards them, when Scrapper punched the lead Commando. That set it off, the ARC's and commando's started to brawl no doubt over something stupid. He drew his blaster firing it over them. "Listen up! We are working together, so act like it or I'll do the mission myself and you can all sit in the brig!" He ordered they quickly fell in line. "Thirty minute's out, get yourself together. If any of you even insult each other you will all clean the fleet from top to bottom." He turned and stormed off to meet his General, hoping she had some better new's or at least something to help deal with these damn Commando's.