[@Dead Cruiser][@Turboshitter] I took some liberties with the new bio, not sure if it steps on any toes so here it is [hider=Bio][b]Bio:[/b] Jör was yet another kid working his way out of highschool and feeling overwhelmed, under-prepared, and in short not good enough. Of course that was nothing new, after all he'd had to deal with that all the way up to highschool as well. Not the greatest student, not the greatest athlete. Not even that funny, but Jör was good at video games. Ha not, he was abysmal. Others would play through puzzle games and understand it with east, naturally understand how fighting games work, create strategies easily for games like Age of Empires. Not Jör, he could only make it through with guides and walkthroughs. But hey, everyone else did it too right? Even for that, Jör sucked at multiplayer games more than he did at anything else. Never the less he was determined to make a new start here. After looking meticulously through guide after guide, eating breathing and sleeping the wiki pages, he finally made a character. This character had a purpose, to be better than anyone. Not at everything of course, that was impossible, his goal was simply to be able to beat anyone. What he couldn't do through natural understanding he would do through thousands of theory crafted characters. His character was set up to take other characters out of their comfort zones, whether it be might or magic. To be able to take insane boss monsters by himself, to be able to beat anything. It didn't work. His build was well researched and decent enough and its own. If Jor didn't make impulse decisions now and then. Then there was the matter that although his character was strong, the player was not. Even with all the tools at his disposal, just like always, Jor couldn't keep up. He fell into a slump for several weeks, defeated. Even after all his work, it still wasn't good enough. Desperate Jor began wandering. At max level and all he could do was tank. Sadly a tank was nothing on his own. His healing skills weren't enough to keep up with high level monsters on their own like he hoped. He'd become just another meatshield. Then he stumbled across the dwarf king Toasty as he was farming for high level materials. Apparently the king saw something in for he offered Jor something special if he joined the guild. Seeing no other reason to do otherwise Jor accepted. Once they arrived back at the guild hall and Jor finished marveling at it, the king revealed the reward. It was a special set of armour that he'd crafted on a whim and hadn't bothered trying to sell due to the very specific criteria. The Scale God set. Reinvigorated by the discovery of this wondrous gift Jor once again ventured into the world, this time to help his guild. None were more devoted than he was to helping the guild develop. In fact Jor was the one to suggest the underground hotspring that his lizard character liked so much and directed the regiment of dwarves that had built it. Determined to prove his usefulness Jor even went so far as to create an NPC that could serve as a guard for the guild and help farm materials easily. A faithful servant to the guild and happy that he had a purpose that he could serve Jor was deeply saddened by the news that the servers would shut down. Jor took the day off from everything and waited with the rest of the guild listening to the awful countdown that signaled the end of the one game that he didn't suck at. Perhaps a trivial thing for some, but Jor had enjoyed his time with the guild more than mere words could express. The escape from the hassle of real life was a welcome thing. So when the clock began counting up none were more overjoyed than him. [/hider]