[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/1d/The_Immortal_Iron_Fist_(2007).png/revision/latest?cb=20130523002657[/img][/center] [b]New York City, Chinatown 11:02 PM[/b] Danny rose to his feet, moving shakily for just a second before his K'un-L'un training kicked in, finding his center and letting iron resolve from within steady his weakened body. It was enough for now, provided there were no more attacks likely tonight. The young warrior found that possibility somewhat unlikely given the rather spectacular beating and retreat the two of them had forced onto their enemies. The forces of darkness would need time to re-assess, plan, recuperate. Then again so would the two of them. [color=seagreen]"No thanks are necessary. We were ultimately after the same enemy, after all. I should be thanking you first, after I froze up the way I did, honestly."[/color] Then came the question he'd been dreading, the one about the wolf spirit. [color=seagreen]"It was...something that shouldn't exist. A [i]yaoguai[/i], a malevolent spirit entity. There are whole textbooks dedicated just to cataloging the various types, but I think this one was custom-crafted..."[/color] he shivered as he battled with the memories before forcing them back down again [color=seagreen] "...in order to hunt me and hurt me, on a very personal level."[/color] It didn't get more personal than [b]un[/b]-personing someone after all, with the ghost of the very same group of animals that ate your parent. [color=seagreen]"A-anyway, I don't think they were expecting you to be able to use the Jade Tiger Amulet as well as you did. Figured while it was busy gorging on my corpse you could just get taken out by these brainwashed shells. That reminds me, now that you've had your first real rooftop battle with shadowy assassins and demons, welcome to the community! There's sort of a secret mystical martial arts underworld and I'm pretty sure you're more or less stuck in it now. I'll have to introduce you to-"[/color] [b]EVERYBODY WAS KUNG-FU FIGHTING!~ THOSE FISTS WERE FAST AS LIGHTNING!~ IN FACT IT WAS A LITTLE BIT- *sigh* *Click*[/b] Danny took several steps over and sat down on a twitching cultist [color=seagreen]"Yes, I know I'm not home yet...yes I know what time it is...I ran into a little bit of trouble on my way back from the Chinese Takeout place. Just-just relax I'm alright, it wasn't anything serious. It...look can we talk about this later? Yes [i][b]mom[/b][/i] I will come right home! Wait Heather I didn't-" [/color] Danny sighed again, even more weary this time. All things considered, not the way he would have liked to wrap up the night. Danny looked over at White Tiger, apparently having forgotten about her along with the fact that he was on a Chinatown rooftop surrounded by the unconscious bodies of a score or more of brainwashed cultists. The Living Weapon gave her his best attempt at an apologetic smile. [color=seagreen]"I'm really sorry about this, but provided you think you can get back to wherever home is without being kidnapped by ninjas I have to go. If you need me for anything...just focus that need through the amulet and call out, I guess? That's the best I can do at explaining it in a short amount of time. Otherwise I'll find you...this business works out funny that way."[/color] With that K'un-Lun's champion flung himself off the rooftop and began the journey back to the penthouse. Out of the frying pan... [b]New York City, Rand-Meachum Penthouse 11:32 PM[/b] ...well, 'into the fire' didn't quite do the level of danger justice. Even with qi-boosted speed-running at its' maximum it had taken Danny too long to get back home, not to mention change out of his costume and go in through the front door. Joy's lecture made facing down demons and shadowy assassins seem downright tame, and it had been all he could do to scrounge up some excuse about stopping some punks from tormenting a cat while hiding the fact that his back was just one big bruise. Actually, at the end of the night it was really all he could do to collapse miserable into bed. There would be fallout to this...all of this, eventually. But for now, he just wanted to rest. [b]The Dread Palace of Khan Time and Location Unknown[/b] The palace of a fallen inter-dimensional Sorceror-God is hardly a hospitable place, tending to incorporate elements of a spike-filled, gloomy and generally unfriendly nature all throughout it's architecture. Oh naturally once it might have been a gleaming citadel of glory and splendor but time had tarnished its' shine and cracked it through to the foundations, and now bleached and worn by millennium after millennium of wear and neglect the only color was found in old shadows and fresh bloodstains. In the darkness within the crumbling stone structure there were only two sources of light. The first came from torches set into the walls, orange flickers sending weak illuminations to light the corners of the drafty room through a haze of smoke. The second was in the center of the room itself and much brighter, almost blinding as it cut through the dimness surrounding it. It was the light of what looked like a blade forged of pure energy which was currently just a hair's length from pressing against the throat of a beaten and whimpering wolf-demon, held by a youth clothed all in red and black form-fitting clothes somewhat similar to those of an Iron Fist, though he wore no mask to hide the rage on his face as he spoke. "You were created with one purpose! Only one! To kill the fledgling Iron Fist Daniel Rand-Kai! Yet somehow you have failed us! Worse yet, you returned without the Jade Tiger Amulet! Tell me Fera, how is it that two [b][i]children[/i][/b] were able to defeat not only you but an army of our Master's servants armed with weapons forged of his very essence? How do you intend to explain such incompet-" [color=black][i][b]ENOUGH.[/b][/i][/color] The word echoed throughout the whole palace, instantly silencing the young man's tirade and causing the demon he was threatening to cower further still, yet no human throat could host such a voice. In that voice was the finality of a mausoleum door grinding shut, the despair of a young corpse's death rattle, the inevitable emptiness of the last star in the universe winking out for the rest of eternity. It was the death of hope. It was the voice of Khan. As the Master of Darkness spoke every torch simultaneously blinked out and even the young man's blazing, crackling sword seemed to grow dimmer. As he sheathed the energy blade in order to prostrate himself on the floor, the room remained lit by a faint red glow that coalesced into a pair of gleaming eyes. The shadows in the room seemed to gather up about them until they formed a pulsing and swirling outline of a man. [color=black][b]We know now that the girl-child is truly capable of wielding the Jade Tiger Amulet. When we next choose to retrieve it, I shall not send mere pawns to acquire it. As for this...[i]Daniel Rand-Kai[/i]...have no doubt that I shall find a way to break him as I broke his father and that after I do...he shall suffer the torments of the damned.[/b][/color]