[quote=@RabidAnubis] [@Claw2k11] Gorun nods, "I am sorry, but I don't think I'm interested in this sword. However, I promise I will not bother you here and seek out another blade." Gorun looked for approval from the death knight. He simply thought it would be immoral to take the blade. Besides, his sword of Mythril was already pretty strong and well enchanted, and while it might not be a match for this blade it had served him well. [/quote] "Very well then." He says sheathing Corruptor. "My master told me to give this sword to another warrior if you don't accept it, his name is Colmaz and he is currently in the city Towar, very close to Sssalivan and Soulstealer. Maybe we can accompany each other there?" The Death Knight asks. "My presence will make sure any undead stay away from you." He says. "And quite a few living creatures as well!" He says with a chuckle. [quote=@Delta44] [@Claw2k11] "Alright then, let's move!" She orders, walking ahead into the Death Marshes. "Elve, do you have any telepathic powers? Keeping in contact with our allies in the sky would really help." [/quote] "I can, and our dragon and avian friend have spotted her, or rather she spotted the dragon." He said as a barrage of energy arrows flew above them and right for the dragon. Everyone, including the young knight pulled out their weapons and smiled. They were ready for battle. [@Simple Unicycle] [@BytheSpleen] However, before anyone could get Earthrent, over fifty people rushed in the temple and while they didn't attack anyone, they had their weapons drawn. Connor could see a hobgoblin(Iosef) armed with a night elf sword. With him were bald man dressed in purple robes, a attractive young woman with purple hair and the same purple robes, a man dressed in a jesters clothing and a large manticore that was now hissing at the group of men that had just entered the temple. Far behind them was a large golem analyzing the figures. Iosef could see over fifty people. Among them were several figures that stood out, a massive human as big as an orc, a orc in full plate mail, a female elf, two twin humans and another human in front of them(Connor). "Stand down, human." The bald man said. "Asastasia herself, the goddess of time foresaw that the sword will belong to the hobgoblin here, let us get the sword and we will help you get any other sword you wish!" [quote=@iotas] "Sounds great, thanks! I'm not too accustomed to horseback riding, so this will definitely be a new experience for me. I just hope I don't fall off and make a fool out of myself. I think I'll spend some time working on my poison idea, and then we'll take off. Now all I need are some plants and a bathtub full of ammonia. That second part is going to be hard, though. I should probably just use water." Colmaz was sucked back into his notebook again, before looks up at Garas. "I'll go rent us a room at whatever inn I find first. We should rest up before charging into Sssvalian's lair and starting the peace talks." Colmaz set off, only paying half attention to the road, too lost in his thoughts. He switched between looking for an inn, and keeping his eyes firmly in his book. [/quote] And he was stopped by two lizardmen armored in plate mail. They had no hostile look on them and even smiled at Colmaz. One of them approached his ear and whispered: "Sssalivan wishes to see you now, do not shout or even think of running and we'll kill you in a flash. Don't worry, he wishes to offer you a proposition." [quote=@BlackPanther] [@Claw2k11][@Delta44] Of course as soon as knight is comfortable there is someone trying to kill him. A huff escapes him as he tucks his wings causing him to start plummeting quickly. As soon as he spots the avian his wings shoot back out and he gets next to them. [color=lightcoral]"trouble 100 meters ahead. They are targeting only me so I can try to evade them if that is wished"[/color] his eyes focus on Ana, keeping her and her arrow in sight. He isn't totally worried since he noticed her before the arrow was set loose. [/quote] However, before he could even blink again, a barrage of arrows was upon him and the avian, he could try to dodge, or he could try to block them, he had only a moment to decide his action.