[quote=@OSIEIPPO] [@Medusa] He is a reflection of myself irl to be honest. I suffer from the some of his ailments, am unmedicated and yet i lead a normal life. In the CS i mentioned that he enjoys the simpler things in life. There is a reason for this. As of now all he knows is he is outside in the middle of the day with some strangers who seem as confused as he is. He is smart enough to understand himself and has dealt with these problems so long that he has developed his own little ways of controlling them. (which is how i maintain personally) It's just the first post. He wouldn't have chosen to introduce himself had he seen any other option. What should he have done? Ran? That would have only succeeded in tiring him out and stranding him alone. Remain silent? For someone else maybe that would have worked but Ralph knows he's too intelligent not to at least attempt to figure things out on a step by step basis. As of now he sees no immediate danger, only confusion. Like i said previously, this is only the first post. Trust me, if i have the opportunity to show you all who Ralph is then hopefully you will understand. He will unravel, eventually. He has barriers up to sustain his mental health but they won't last. Character development is important to me and i will delve deeper into his mental state over time. Just as irl with my own mental health issues, most people i meet would not guess that i suffer from depression and social anxiety. It's in this way that Raphael is modeled after myself. [/quote] I empathize with you, I really do. Although my issue isn't with Ralph's "character development." We all just posted, so I understand the need to delve deeper into his personality. I do have a problem with your flippant use of mental illnesses, such as the "etc." What would that even entail? Schizophrenia (for instance) is also extremely serious, and [i]without[/i] medication, would leave someone unable to function in normal society (to varying degrees). I couldn't fathom someone dealing with that + whatever issues you've chosen to have him possess. I didn't mean to get into anything when I posted, but Ralph clearly cannot be capable of being "considered very attractive," "having a genius level intellect that is rarely used," or a magical affinity "for the sciences, such as athletics and the arts." Plus, apparently he has to deal with a long list of mental disorders and a small child! C'mon, I understand the need to create a really cool character, but this guy is just unbelievable.