[h3][i]CLANK![/i][/h3] The sound of metal striking metal rang through the hangar. The technicians working on the Little Dragon were surprised, looking up to see that Stein hit the NC's head with a wrench. A short pause, then they began quietly returning to work, making sure bolts were as tight as possible, wires were functioning properly, and sensor readings were reasonable. Jan turned his head to the resounding noise. It didn't sound like an accident, there was too much purpose behind the strike for that. "Ey! what's the big idea there! Isn't this place supposed to be for fixing NCs?" He took a closer look at what appeared to be the NCs pilot. The girl was blonde-haired and looked not in the best of moods as her free hand rose up calmly to her goggles, pushing them completely off her head and grabbing them in a single motion as she clipped them to her belt. As she did this, there was a weight to her expression; an expression that had gone irritated to full stone-cold abhorrence. The yells from the engineers below were only shot back with glares— glares that reminded them of their own commander, Sophia. That was before Jan’s own comment was directed at her. The girl stood up, dusting off her jumpsuit. She remarked a comment under her breath though due to the distance between her and Jan it was hard to make out if at all. It was then that this female of which he had not recognized yet moved down from her position and towards the hangar floor. [color=0076a3]“I don’t know who you are or who you think you are, but this is [i]not[/i] the time.”[/color] The blonde-haired woman stated blankly as she crossed her arms as she did so. "Well excuse me miss, I didn't know you followed the percussive maintenance school of engineering." Jan snarked at her. He wasn't one to drop an issue with someone he didn't like, and the first impression he got from this lady was rather bad. [color=0076a3]“I don’t have the patience for fools so eager to show off their wit.”[/color] "Well miss, you'll have to learn to deal with it, because I handle that kind of atittude with snarking." Her brows narrowed, [color=0076a3]“Will I? Then I suppose you will have to deal with my wrench cracking your skull as well, that is if you want to keep this up when I am in... this sort of mood.”[/color] "You want to go? I'm always up for a tussle to get rid of bad blood. Don't even care that you're a woma—" The sentence seemed to be cut short as her rage got the better of her as she swung her knee upwards, attempting a strike into his stomach. The strike got Jan flat-footed, He exhaled heavily as the strike pushed the air out of his lungs. He stumbled backwards "Heh, right then, come at me!" He stood ready to react now. [color=0076a3]“Tch.”[/color] The blonde-haired woman rose her hands in a military stance; one Jan recognized— one used by Volkov military. As soon as the Lead Engineer sensed what was going on, he quickly stepped backwards a bit and scanned the situation. He was an older man, sure, but he could analyze nearly anything like no one else. Though it was hard to say if he would react in-time to end the dispute before it got any worse. He cleared his mind of any doubt before doing his plot. Surprisingly quickly (mostly, due to adrenaline), he got in between the two combatants and yelled for them to stop. "This is ridiculous! You're both adults, stop waving your genitals around-", As he paused, for emphasis, he slammed down his foot; a quick stomp on the ground to get things under control. "-and apologize to each other for this stupidity! Damn, you pluggers might be the only people who can handle actually interfacing with an NC, but that doesn't give you the right to act like animals." Jan took one look at the engineer. The man's shouting had gotten him out of his adrenaline-fueled stupor. "Heh... guess you're right. Though... nevermind." He walked away from the lady, chuckling at the speed at which things escalated. "Let's hope we can at least not have a repeat of this while we're plugged in. I don't think anyone would like that." The woman’s adrenaline seemed to calm down as well but her demeanor still seemed rather [i]icy[/i] even after the fact. [color=0076a3]“Speaking of apologies, engineer. Where is mine?”[/color] "What? ... Your apology for what? What did I do?" [color=0076a3]“Wasting my time. I believe around the time you referred to me and the other as ‘people-machines’.”[/color] "Fine. But, I still think you-.. The both of you could grow up a little." She turned back to Jan, [color=0076a3]“As for you, I hope your piloting skills are better than your wit.”[/color] Jan glared back to the lady. "Wanna make a bodycount competition out of this?" he chuckled at the slightly morbid suggestion. [color=0076a3]“Overall or NC's? This year or all-time?”[/color] "NC's of course, you think I'd bother counting chaff like normal infantry? And starting from here on out." [color=0076a3]“Heh. You’re interesting.”[/color] "It's good you two are getting along...", the Lead Engineer mumbled under his breath. Situation apparently defused, he quickly returned to work. "In any case... the Little Dragon's repairs should be nearly complete... Also... It's getting close to briefing time, you two. About 50 minutes from now. Plenty of time to do some final things, but don't be late. Sophia'll have your ass."