Woops, did not know that the Character Tab was only for accepted characters. I'm done editing my character, hopefully I'm not too late! [hider=Ackerly Finch] [b]Name/Nicknames:[/b] Ackerly Finch [b]Age:[/b] 230 [b]Appearance:[/b] Ackerly is a pre-war ghoul, and a former agent of the United Kingdom to boot. He wants to embody the ideal of a "Proper Brit", and it comes off as cartoonish to ordinary people. His desire to be a "Model Citizen" has lead him to constantly wearing a tattered suit, a monocle, and a top hat with the top brim popped off. His flesh has heavily deteriorated, but he makes no attempt to hide his ghoulish nature. He has cloudy blue eyes, and only faint wisps of his hair remain. [b]Race:[/b] Ghoulishly Handsome (sorry) [b]Personality:[/b] Ackerly used to be an agent of the British Commonwealth. Like many citizens of the Commonwealth, he was pressured to conform to the ideal of the "Model Citizen" and act like a "Proper Brit". The radiation over the past two hundred years has done a number on his brain cells, and has led him to adopt this idea of being a "Proper Brit" to a cartoonish degree. Most ordinary people find him to be completely ridiculous. He acts needlessly polite to everyone he meets, has an absolute obsession with drinking the "Tea Time", and has an air of condescension about him. He is always on the lookout for "Foreign Subversives", and is extremely paranoid. Ackerly often feels without purpose since the collapse of the Commonwealth, and is obsessed with finding any remnant of the pre-War government. [b]Skills/Attributes:[/b] Ackerly used to be an agent of the British Commonwealth and he was trained in the use of firearms and the basics of hand to hand combat. Finch is a skilled liar, but often annoys those he meets to such a degree that they abandon diplomacy quickly. Ackerly can sneak around, but is not particularly skilled at it, and he understands only the most rudimentary skills needed for handling explosives. [b]Back-story:[/b] Ackerly was born to a poor family in the slums of Pre-War London in 2047, and he had little opportunity for a good education. This led Ackerly to grow up to be a cynical young man. He applied to the Police Academy, not because he wanted to help anyone but because he desired the power and prestige being a police officer would give him. While Ackerly was a cynic at heart, he proved a hard worker and was able to work his way through the ranks of London's police department. His hard work caught the eye of the director of MI5, which was co-opted to become a secret police first in the late 20th century. The King's Men were tasked with removing undesirables and capturing those cast out as "lacking loyalty to King and Country" by the Patriot's Committee. Ackerly was soon drafted into the organization. While Ackerly was apart of the MI5 he learned his particular set of skills, and learned quickly it was dangerous to be openly cynical. Therefore Ackerly, like most of MI5 adopted a persona of being a "Proper Brit" to an almost cartoonish degree. But for now, it remained simply a persona. When the bombs fell Ackerly was unlucky enough to be caught in a public bomb shelter. He wasn't important enough to be given a spot in the Havens. He was exposed to the radiation of the bombs, and began the process of ghoulification. The process of ghoulification changed his body, and his mind. He began to actually believe the propaganda he was espousing, and adopted the outlook of a "Proper Brit" for real. He revised his own history to the point it was completely unrecognizable from reality. He constructed a patchwork of false, contradicting memories to wipe clean any part of his past that may seem "Un-Patriotic". Now Ackerly is on the lookout for Havens, seeking any remnant of the Commonwealth. He usually finds the Havens have gone horribly wrong due to some ridiculous experiment, however he continues to obsessively seek out these Havens for even the smallest remnant of the Pre-War Government. [b]Other: Equipment:[/b] Ackerly has a pistol issued by the King's Men. It hasn't worked in three decades. He also has a sabre stolen from a museum for self defense purposes. Ackerly has a few days of scavenged pre-war food, his old badge for the King's Men, and a canteen. Otherwise he has nothing else but the tattered suit on his back. [/hider]