[center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/349cm69.png[/img] [@McHaggis] || [@Wade Wilson] [img]http://oldcolony.ca/images/filigree-4.png[/img] Estelle giggled, trying to wiggle away from Orion's tickling fingers, her older brother laughing with her. The child twisted this way and that to no avail until finally her mother came to her rescue. [color=lightblue]"Alright Orion, that's enough. We're in a restaurant."[/color] The words sounded stern but the effect was ruined by the smile on her face and laughter in her eyes. Orion consented and drew his hands away though not without ruffling Estelle's hair first. Estelle let out a squeak of protest, hands flying up to her curls. Another small hand joined hers and the girl turned to see her twin smiling at her as Willow smoothed any damage Orion may have caused. [color=lightblue]"He didn't mess it up that bad and I managed to fix it."[/color] Willow said. Estelle gave her a smile of thanks as the waiter appeared and set their food down in front of them. Estelle looked down at her chicken nuggets with delight and reached for one. However, a piercing scream shattered the calm of the room. People jumped in surprise and everyone turned to look at the door, murmurs sweeping the room. Orion stood up slightly and saw people running down the street. He frowned, looking at his father as he wondered what was going on. Suddenly, the doors to the restaurant burst open and man covered in blood collapsed inside. The murmurs took on a fearful tinge as the man reached out with a shaky hand, pleading for help. Before anyone could rise to his aid, a woman shuffled inside and fell on top of him. His whispered pleas turning into panicked screams as the woman leaned down and tore a chunk out of his neck, his screams turning to gurgles. More screams filled the air as people knocked over tables in their haste to escape. Before Estelle knew what was happening, Orion had scooped her up as their mother grabbed Willow and the family took off for the exit. They barely managed to squeeze through and gasped as they saw people being grabbed and dragged to the ground by these...monster. The family ran for the car and Luna quickly buckled Willow in, her hands shaking. Orion then suddenly felt a hand grab his ankle and try to jerk him to the ground. Estelle screamed and his arms tightened around her as he twisted free of the man and kicked him hard in the head. He then shoved Estelle inside and leaped in after her, slamming the door shut. Tires screeched as his father peeled out of the parking lot. They arrived home to the same madness and packed the car as full as it could get before driving away. As they left the city, they passed by so many people waving for help and as much as Luna wanted to stop and help them, Mark kept driving. They eventually reached Oklahoma but it was in the same state of chaos. Estelle tucked herself against Orion's side and as he ran a hand soothing through her hair, he whispered that everything was going to be okay. [img]http://oldcolony.ca/images/filigree-4.png[/img] Orion held onto Estelle's hand tightly as they ran through the tress. He could see his father ahead of him carrying Willow as his mother ran beside him. The crackling sound and screams of the dying faded as they distanced themselves from the burning ranch. They eventually stopped after Mark felt they had gotten a safe distance away. Orion leaned against a tree, panting as he tried to catch his breath. Estelle leaned against him as Willow was swept into their mothers arms. Orion watched his father pace before hitting a tree in anger. Orion could understand why he was upset. He had warned his parents against spending any extended time at the ranch, that it was a safe place. No where was. And now look what happened: invaded by a horde and mostly everyone either bitten or burned in the fire that broke out in the panic. Orion sighed, looking down at Estelle. The child's eyes were wide with fear and she clenched his hand tightly. Mark then came over and drew Orion a little ways away. Orion gazed at his father in puzzlement as the man sighed and slowly drew back the collar of his shirt. Orion sucked in a shocked breath as he stared at the bite mark, eyes shooting up to meet his fathers. Orion wanted to deny it, wanted to say this was all a bad dream but the evidence was staring him right in the face. His knees felt like they were going to give out. This...This couldn't be happening! His father couldn't be bitten! [color=lightblue]"Your mother was bitten to, on her calf."[/color] Mark said in a deceptively calm voice. Orion clenched his hands at his side, already knowing what his father was going to say but not wanting to accept it. [color=lightblue]"I'll give you everything your mother and I have in out backpacks though I am going to keep a pistol and two bullets. You are to take your sister's hands and you are to walk. Do you understand me? [i]Never[/i] stop walking. And don't look back. Don't look back."[/color] Orion was already shaking his head by the time his father had finished, tears spilling down his cheeks. Mark grabbed Orion by the shoulders and shook him sharply, Orion meeting his father's steely gaze. [color=lightblue]"This is the end for me and your mother but you still have Estelle and Willow. They need you to look after them. You need to protect them. Do you understand me? Don't you dare give up on them."[/color] He pulled Orion into and embrace, Orion wrapping his arms tightly around his father. [color=lightblue]"[i]Mac[/i](Son), even if you won't see us, we will always be with you."[/color] They pulled away and went to join Luna and the girls. By the tears streaming down the twins' faces, Luna had apparently explained to them what was happening. Orion hugged his mother tight as Willow and Estelle ran into their fathers arms. After the tearful good-byes and Orion distributed their parents gear among himself and the twins, he took their hand and started walking. Not too long after, two gunshots rang through the air. Orion flinched and tightened his hands around the twins. It was quiet, broken only by the girl's sobbing. Orion felt a numbness spread through him and all he wanted to do was curl into a ball and forget the world, forget this entire nightmare. But, as he gazed down at Estelle's tear-stained face, he knew he couldn't do that. There were still people who needed him. So, he took a deep centering breath and kept walking. [img]http://oldcolony.ca/images/filigree-4.png[/img] Willow coughed again, a deep rattling sound that cause a chill to run down Orion's spine. When the girl had first started coughing a few weeks ago, he thought nothing of it since Willow always had problems with her allergies. But as the days progressed, the coughing got worse and she developed a fever and soon she started coughing up blood. Broken from his thoughts, Orion barely caught the girl as she collapsed and lowered her gently to the ground. Her skin was burning up and she could barely open her eyes. Orion had never felt so helpless. He had tried every medicine they had but nothing seemed to be working. What did he do?! He didn't know where they were or were help might be. He felt anger well up inside him and he punched the ground in anger. He pushed the tears back as he meet Estelle's eyes. She plopped next to him and leaned against him, the two listening to each painful breath that Willow took. A few hours later, Orion felt the girl in his arms let out a final rattling breath before she stilled. Panic shot through him and he laid her on the ground. [color=gold]"No, no, no! Come on Willow, don't give up on me!"[/color] He tried performing CPR but nothing he did re-started her heart. Sobbing, Orion collapsed to the ground, wanting to scream, hit something. Estelle collapsed next to him, sobbing as she leaned over Willow's still form. Her wail of agony echoed through the forest. [img]http://oldcolony.ca/images/filigree-4.png[/img] Orion glanced up, eyes scanning around warily before he focused on the sign above him. It read [b]Welcome to Wilmington[/b] He sighed. Different town, same story, dead everywhere. He glanced down at Estelle and smiled softly as he took her small hand in his own and began walking. They encountered few of the dead on their way into town though there were a few stragglers that Orion dispatched swiftly with his katana. [color=gold]"We need to find shelter for the night. We should head towards a neighborhood and hole up in one of the houses."[/color] He commented as he glanced at the sky. Estelle nodded in agreement and the two set out. They hadn't made it very far when they came upon a group of Walkers. The siblings froze but it was too late. The zombies spotted them and began shuffling towards them, groans filling the air. Orion swore and grabbed Estelle's hand, the two turning and fleeing. They didn't make it very far before Orion stumbled over a pothole in the street he didn't see and cried out as he fell, a cracking sound sounding out. Estelle whirled, spying her brother laying on the ground clenching his ankle in pain. She raced back and tugged at his arm, trying to help him to his feet but his leg just collapsed around him when he tried. He looked around with frantic eyes and noticed they were next to a eighteen-wheeler with a ladder dangling off the side of the trailer. Gritting his teeth, he used to side of the trailer to push himself to his feet before grabbing Estelle's light form and lifting her up to the ladder. She scrambled to the top and peered over the rim as he used his arms to slowly drag himself up to the top. Just in time as the group reached the trailer and reached grasping hands up at them. Orion sat on the top, catching his breath. He looked at his sister to see her looking at him with concerned eyes. He was quiet as his brain worked through their dilemma. [color=gold]"My ankle is out of commission Estelle. I can't even put weight on it never mind use it to run. We're trapped up here. This trailer is right next an open window. I'm going to hoist you through and you are going to leave me."[/color] Estelle stared at him for a few moments before what he said sunk in. She frantically shook her head. [color=cyan]"No! I'm not going to leave you!"[/color] She cried, the dead below them groaning louder at her exclamation. She collapsed to her knees next to him, tears spilling down her cheeks. She kept uttering weak denials until Orion grabbed her shoulders. [color=gold]"Estelle! Listen to me, you are going to get up and you are going to run. Keep running, never stop. Stay away from big places. Remember, you might find a place that seems safe but it isn't. Keep walking. Never stop. I love you, [i]Deirfiúr[/i](Sister)."[/color] He pulled her into a hug as she sobbed onto his shoulder. After a few moments they broke apart and he watched as she looked at him one last time before her small form disappeared through the open window. A tear rolled down his cheek before he looked down at the death that awaited him below. He withdrew his gun and bared his teeth at the Walkers, taking aim and began to fire into the horde, dropping corpses left and right. Estelle looked around the room she had climbed into. It looked like an apartment over a shop. It was silent and she winced as Orion's gun began firing. She stumbled on weak legs towards the door and silently opened it, peering out. There was a staircase leading down and she crept down it, knife clenched in her hand. She stepped into a herb shop and carefully looked around. It was empty, blood splattering the wall but free of bodies, living or otherwise. She took a few minutes before she gathered herself and began looking for a backdoor. Her brother's sacrifice was not going to be in vain. She was on her own now. She eventually found a backdoor and eased out of it. It lead out into a street, a convenience store resting across from her. Suddenly, voices caught her attention and the little girl froze as she watched as two figures came bursting out of the the store. Estelle gasped, not having seen other human beings in a while. She was so surprised that she didn't hear the shuffling until it was too late. She turned as a groan sounded out behind her and let a scream at the hands reaching for her. She stumbled back, evading the grasping hands and tripped over a broken pipe. She landed on her bottom and began scooting backwards as the Walker ambled after her.[/center]