[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=TODD%20DILLON&name=SILVS___.ttf&size=50&style_color=331000[/img] [color=331000][b][i]If dead men tell no tales, then why do they walk the planet?[/i][/b][/color] [color=696969]---------------------------------- The Apartment Group The Supermarket on 8th St [i]Wilmington, Delaware[/i] ----------------------------------[/color] [color=black][b]----x----[/b][/color] [@McHaggis] [b]-:-[/b] [@XxLyraxX] [color=black][b]----x----[/b][/color] Todd froze when he heard the young girl scream. He immediately pulled his hood down and took his bandana off, shoving it in the trolley. It revealed his (now messy) dark brown hair, and flashed his yellow complexion a little more. There was alert and a sort of sadness in his eyes, along with a firey spark of determination. [b][color=331000]"Scout, I'm gonna need you to cover me and look after the trolley. Shoot any zombies that come my way, will ya?"[/color][/b] Yet again, his BC-41s were slipped onto his knuckles, and he ran over to the girl, punching the zombie in the jaw and then shoving his left blade into its skull, watching it go lifeless. He grabbed it, ripping the blade out, and pulling the knuckledusters off and gently setting them on the ground, helping the kid up. [b][color=331000]"Are you alright?"[/color][/b] There was a tone of alarm in his voice, as he tried to wipe the blood onto his clothes, both from his blades and his hands. If that zombie hadn't been so decomposed, he and the girl would've probably been eaten by now. He looked around to make sure that Scout was still there, and that there weren't anymore druggies wanting to rip his throat apart, before placing his weapons in his bag. He led the girl over to the trolleys, where his balaclava went back on and his hood back up. [b][color=331000]"That zombie didn't bite you, did it? Are you hurt at all?"[/color][/b][/center]