[hr][center][h1][b][color=C90B0B]The Scarlet Mistress[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Morrigan hated plans. She hated plans. Even with first class amenities, she hated it. It was unnatural for things without wings or magic to fly. The people on the plane were annoying too. Crying babies, people clicking on their weird computers, others talking loudly on their cell phones. She opened her book and spoke, [color=C90B0B]"Chainthe silentio"[/color] and the entire plane was silent. No one spoke, no child cried, the stewards went about their business with a smile on their face. Everyone just sat there in silence. This was how you flied. --------------------------------------- Finally arriving in St. Louis, she decided how she would get to the funeral home in question. Perhaps she could teleport there and scare everyone. Maybe summon a large snake and ride it there. No, she decided, too much chaos would cause trouble. She didn't want trouble. Yet. She walked outside where taxis were lining up. One man leaned against his, "Hey gorgeous, need a ride?" She merely smiled and nodded. "Hop in then." he said. She did so and they started driving. "Where to lady?" She gave him the address and he looked at it quickly before putting it down, "Someone close to you die? Sorry to hear that. My sister just lost her fiance. Our families going through our own struggles, you know how it is. It's a bad world, he got shot, some gang business. He was a good man. Lost too soon. I told my sister, I told her look, things happen. And when.." Morrigan spoke up, [color=C90B0B]"Do you know what it's like to feel your blood boil inside your body? Do you know what it's like to feel your skin rip off delicately? Do you know what it's like to bash your head against a wall countless times until your brain spills out? If you keep talking, you'll find out. Now drive!"[/color] The man sat and drove in stunned silence as they pulled up to the funeral home. She got out, didn't pay and took out her book. She spoke a spell and the man drove off. He would be fine, she didn't want him dead, as annoying as he was. She just told him to keep driving and not stop. He'd end up somewhere else entirely, but he'll be fine. She walked into the funeral home, book in hand, should things go sour.